So Liberal "leader" Stephane Dion thinks he can tell Prime Minister Stephen Harper what to do? Stephanie De-yawn thinks he can issue orders to the duly elected PM on what to do with respect to foreign affairs activities?
I can visualize Mr. Harper and the Conservative Caucus having a good, boisterous, teary laugh over this. It's like the commercials in which some guy says that Kellog's All-Bran Bars taste good and everyone laughs uncontrollably. Of course, in poor little Stephanie's case, the bars do NOT taste good. They taste like horse food and he's just making a fool of himself claiming otherwise.
Oh, and I personally like Kellog's All-Bran Bars. They DO taste good. And keep me a-poopin' regular-like, eh? Ok, Kellog's; I'll be waiting for my promotional-services check...
Next thing we know Stephanie De-yawn will be claiming he's qualified to be Prime Minister and that Canadians agree. Oh, wait... he already made that claim... and we had one helluva good guffaw over that one!
Stephane, Stephane, Stephane... I'm sorry, sir, but if you had been elected PM, then you could be doing what you want done. If you get elected PM, you can. But guess what? I wanna go out with Ann Coulter, too, but what are the chances of this ever happening?