Sorry, Librano$$$, it's not over. Not by a long shot!
Story here. h/t: NationalNewswatch.com
(...) even when he questioned or recommended that certain contracts not be awarded, he was told "it is the prime minister's budget and we decide on the events, how much to allocate in funds and what agency will manage the event.
"In many cases," the statement says, "sponsorships were refused at the bureaucratic level but reversed at the political level."
Guite lays the blame for the scandal directly on his higher-ups -- former minister of public works Alfonso Gagliano and former prime minister Jean Chretien. He says the suit against him should be dropped and those in power at the time should be sued instead.
Guite claims Gagliano was a hands-on manager but was reluctant to accept responsibility for mistakes, "and the political interference which his decision-making constituted."
Juicy. Bad for the entire Liberal Party. They really don't need this. Mr. Guite testifying under oath in a court of law, pointing the finger at the masterminds.
Again, the Liberal culture of corruption and entitlement is brought out into the light to remind Canadians what kind of an institution the Liberal Party of Canada remains, as there's no evidence anything's been changed since ADSCAM. They continue as if nothing happened, as if no bad stuff had come to light. Talk about denial!
And ADSCAM is just the beginning...