This post, however strongly-worded, only refers to Islamic fascists, of whom, unfortunately, there are many, many thousands or even millions, not to Muslims in general who reject the dangerous parts of the Koran and who want no part of any kind of fascism, supremacism nor imperialism as espoused and practiced by Islamic fascists the world over.
Below: The true agenda of Islam, unless and until proven otherwise by Islam's ceasing and desisting with its murderously fascist Nazistic supremacistic imperialism.

JAFFA, Israel – The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group will not disarm or cease attacks on the Jewish state in spite of an amnesty agreement forged with Israel last month in which top Brigades members pledged to turn in their weapons and refrain from attacks, a senior Brigades leader told WND.
"We respect our leaders but will keep fighting until Israel withdraws completely from the West Bank. We are the resistance. We will keep fighting and never give up our weapons until Israel withdraws," said Ayad Frehat, a Brigades leader in the West Bank city of Jenin.
Yeah, right. Israel withdrew from "Gaza", but what good did that do... for Israel? Look at what Hamas does now in "Gaza". A withdrawal from the "West Bank" will only encourage Al Aqsa to move in and turn the place into another base of operations and training and a launchpad for missiles to lob at Israel.
It was stupid to withdraw from "Gaza". It is stupid to do it from the "West Bank".
As for the reprehensible current leader of Israel, who continues to give everything away, including the kitchen sink, to these hateful, monstrous Muzis:
"Olmert's team told us they will not look into the disarming process with a microscope for single problematic cases. They said they will look at the macro not the micro level. Israel said if some wanted guy was still acting (committing attacks against Israel), they won't explode everything just for that," said the diplomat, speaking on condition his name be withheld.
Israelis, in apparent consensus that Olmert is a very bad leader for Israel, must immediately impeach and/or have him removed completely. And Israel must finally get off the pot and do what it is her sovereign right and right under international law to do: Invade the enemy's lands, eliminate all hostiles and take all lands from them to make her own. There can be no submission for any reason at all, we know this without any doubt, after years and years of granting the "Palestinians" every benefit of the doubt and witnessing them prove over and over and over again that there is no doubt whatsoever that they are the permanent mortal enemy of Israel and the Free World. Therefore, it is time for Israel to eliminate all Islamic fundamentalists who believe in the supremacy of Islam and who agree that Israel's existence is contrary to Islam and who will continue to kill innocents in innocent Israel no matter what Israel does, no matter her restraint and concessions.
It is time to put an end to the geopolitical myth of "Palestine". "Palestine" does not, never has and never will exist because the Islamic World never has, nor does today, nor ever will, want there to be a "Palestine". It is a ruse to destroy Israel, and anyone who disagrees is no better than a Holocaust Denier. Anyone who disagrees that "Palestine" must come to an end is no better than a Nazi appeaser and collaborator. This is the plain truth and it must be spoken from now on.
Anyone who favors "Palestine" over Israel hates Jews, even if they themself claim to be a Jew or claim to support the Jewish people. Those who submit to the lies of "Palestine" are fools and de-facto enemies of Israel and by extension human liberty, democracy, the rule of citizen-made law and human rights all over the world.
"Palestine" is no different from Hitler's Third Reich. It must be defeated, crushed. Because, being imperialist and supremacist, the Islamic fascist murderers of "Palestine" will not stop with Israel. They will march across the world to wipe out all non-Muslims everywhere to effect Islam's full domination of the planet in the long run.
Which is why, to begin to defeat murderous Islamic supremacist imperialism, "Palestine" must be ended as a myth and precluded as a reality for once and for all and to preserve human rights and protect the innocent worldwide from this absolute Islamic facism.
The only thing Islam can do to stop the world from opposing them is to stop killing those who aren't Islamic and to stop attacking Israel and other Free World nations, completely!
I make the above absolute statements because they are supported by the facts, by reality and because they must be made.
The fool will denounce me, call me names. But they'd also have supported Hitler, have denied that he was bad, have denied that Hitler's Third Reich had to be destroyed to save the life of every innocent person in the world.