Above: King Leonidas in the movie "300", demonstrating proper ferocity in opposing Xerxes' demand for submission
I've watched the movie "300". Loved it. It's very, very inspiring!
Fully recommend it.
It reminded me that today's struggle against supremacist, imperialist Islam has been going on for centuries. And that free people everywhere have been resisting their supremacistic, murderous march across the world for a very, very long time.
Islam can be charming, claim to be "kind", make false promises of paradise to those it implores to join its movement. But we know that it's not as they promise. For, via "taqiyya", lying, that is, they'll service Islam by lying about what they'll provide in return for our submission to them. Which is why we must say no.
We must not submit. We must resist. They say they're "resisting", but they're lying. Their so-called "resistance" is part of their imperialism; in fact, it's actually jihad. In "Palestine", they do NOT want peace; in fact, it's no secret that they want to get rid of Israel, just as Xerxes sought to destroy Sparta. Islam does and always has sought to conquer the entire planet. Its members say so even today, even inside the Free World while wearing business suits!
Note that the imperialist Iranian government (Iran used to be known as Persia before the Muslims invaded and occupied that country) has denounced this movie. That's one of the reasons I just had to see it, and I'm glad I did.
So see it if you haven't already. It's out in DVD now.