Below: Demonstators raise awareness of the evil Chinese Communist Party. I'm helping raise awareness of that Party, too, as well as of the woman who wants the Democratic Presidential Nomination so that she can become President and nationalize/socialize many things in the United States, take rights away from some identifiable groups of Americans, take away much more of their money and maybe even effectively sell out the country to Comrade Hu or perhaps President Ahmadinejad... Who really knows what she really has planned for America and the world? Do we really know what kind of person she is? Is she selectively tolerant/intolerant?

Below: Communist monster Fidel Castro, on the left, and former Canadian PM Pierre Trudeau, also on the left, though just a tiny bit less so. Trudeau admired Communists, too, and Canada even today, in the view of many Canadians, continues to suffer the consequences of some of his most wrong-headed Communistic and national socialistic policies. Social, economic, fiscal, national unity, national security and other key issues continue to give Canada challenging headaches even now.
I fear that Hillary Clinton, compared to Trudeau, is actually dangerous and makes even him look like a mere Liberal.