Well, Hillary IS a Communist. No doubt about it. Her record is clear: she's always been a communist.
No wonder the evil SinoCommies want her to be U.S. President. After all, the Reds will be better off when a fellow Commie comrade rules America with her iron fist, purse, whatever!
Don't vote for her, America, unless you want to lose your liberty!
Oh, wait... the so-called "progressives" don't value liberty (and don't want any, as liberty cannot exist without personal and social responsibility and a willingness to go to war to defend it), so, unfortunately, they'll do as they're told by their dear leaders and vote for that... scary old moonbat!
Besides, do you want to see her perverted, pantsless hubby Bubba back in the Oval Office with some booby brunette bimbo intern when Hillary's not in the House? Do you know what the carpet in that room will cost in tax dollars to clean or replace... yet again?