I'm sure Hillary still sees herself today as a "radical." But she could never use that term and remain a viable politician. So she has adopted another term – "progressive" – which means the same thing to those in the know.This is the favored term even today of the Communist Party. They don't call themselves liberals, either. They call themselves "progressives." They always have. Nothing has changed.In fact, who were the leaders of the Progressive Movement of the early 20th century with whom Hillary so closely identifies? Among the most notable leaders were W.E.B. DuBois, a Communist Party member, and Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood and an advocate of racial eugenics, an idea that inspired Adolf Hitler to kill six million Jews.(...)(...) be warned, because "progressives" of the Hillary stripe will, if given the opportunity, put liberals to shame when it comes to nationalizing every remaining aspect of American private life.
Nutshell version: Hillary's not a "liberal". She's even worse.
Electing her will give her what she considers a mandate to do what she plans to do.
And Americans do NOT know what she plans to do.
She has a barely hidden agenda. She can't tell Americans the whole truth, not even half of it, for if she did, it's curtains for her political future.
Americans don't want Hillary. Many of them don't know it yet. So they better take a much, much closer look at who and what this woman really is.
Or they just might end up electing this Communist radical and being very sorry they did.
So her agenda must be exposed.
The MSM will not do it. Therefore, it's the duty of the people. Thank goodness for the internet and the blogosphere, which is making the MSM irrelevant when it comes to critically important facts like the truth about Hillary Clinton's plans for America and the world.
See the post at Flanders Fields for more on the scary truth about Hillary: Thunder Thighs on a Hot Tin Roof