Monday, August 13, 2007

Hezbollah Billboard Ad Removed

Story here. h/t:

Thank goodness they took down Nasrallah's ugly barbarian mug!

Now we learn whose idea it was in the first place... some Lebanese Muslims in Windsor.

What the hell were they thinking, putting a terror leader's face on a billboard, plus Arabic wording inciting violence/terror... right here in Canada, in nonchalantly arrogant violation of our anti-terror laws?

I sincerly urge the authorities to investigate and, if possible, charge and try all involved in this clear violation of Canada's anti-terror law against helping terrorists in any way, shape or form. Those who came up with the idea, who paid for it, and CBS Outdoor, who actually put it up for profit.

The crime is so serious that, if convicted, offenders face up to ten or fourteen years imprisonment, depending on the nature of the aiding and abetting of the terrorists.

This mustn't be excused. It's too serious.

Next thing we know, some morons will put up a warm-and-fuzzy-sounding billboard with Karla "raped and killed young girls, including her own little sister" Homolka in it!