Hillary Clinton, above, demonstrating via her latest exposure, that she's just like Hubby Bill... and Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan... all ditzy, nutty moonbats who like to expose themselves, too! Hey! Do you think Billy took that picture? Would it surprise anyone? By the way, that's an old, very old picture. I sure wouldn't post such a picture if it were taken today! A real lady crosses her legs, right?
Story here.
A Democratic fundraiser who has raised $1 million for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says he has done nothing wrong and has asked no favors in return, but Norman Hsu didn't mention that he's a wanted man.
A California prosecutor says Hsu pleaded no contest to grand theft, was sentenced to three years in prison and then disappeared, The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.
Hsu, an apparel executive who made his first-ever political contribution — to John Kerry — in 2004, is listed as one of the top 20 Democratic fundraisers in the country and is one of Clinton's "HillRaisers" — people who rustle up at least $100,000 for Clinton's campaign, The Wall Street Journal reports.
Nevertheless, it appears that Hillary will NOT return the money:
Clinton adviser Howard Wolfsen told The Times that Hsu has been a longtime donor to the party: "During Mr. Hsu's many years of active participation in the political process, there has been no question about his integrity or his commitment to playing by the rules, and we have absolutely no reason to call his contributions into question or to return them."
Oh, dear... she really is just like Billy. Deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie, cheat, cheat, cheat... and show off a little o' the ol' naughty-naughty...
Whoever gets the Republican Presidential nomination shouldn't have too much of a hard time turning Hillary into yesterday's (ultra-far-left-leaning) news. (Oh, look! In the picture, she's actually leaning to her left! Oh, no... you don't suppose it's to blow off the gaseous byproduct of her lunch of beans & weenies?)