Story here. h/t: NationalNewswatch.com
VANCOUVER - The federal government plans a review of laws, standards and regulations over all imported goods in the wake of the Mattel recall of toys imported from China.
Health Minister Tony Clement's statements:
"The government shares the concerns of Canadian parents. They have a right to know that toys they are purchasing for their kids are safe and the health of their kids are not affected by those toys."
"We're looking at it from the point of view of consumer products, food products -- consumables and non-consumables -- so it's pretty far-reaching," he added.
The Harper Conservatives are moving fast, too... it's apparently top priority:
"What I've said to my reviewers is that this cannot languish on for months. It really has to be a full-scale review, but it has to come to a conclusion, knowing full well that there'll be a fall sitting of Parliament."
At the same time, the government is starting to take a harder line against illegal drugs.
"We are very concerned about the damage and pain that drugs cause families and we intend to reverse the trend toward vague, ambiguous messaging that has characterized Canadian attitudes in the recent past," he said.
Ottawa plans a campaign emphasizing the dangers of all illicit drugs in any quantity, Clement said. "We will discourage young people from thinking there are safe amounts or safe drugs."
Predictably, the ivory tower academic "progressives" don't like this new hardline against drugs, with some "progressive" Toronto University leftist attempting to illogically paint the government as merely "ideological" and "placing the nation's health in peril", claiming that he and his own radical ideological brethren necessarily know better (just because they're university fartheads or whatever and are necessarily telling the truth rather than being propaganda mouthpieces of the ultra-far-left while drawing a university salary), while offering nothing better than arrogant dismissal of what the reasonable person knows is a realistic, common-sense approach. Guess there's no pleasing the self-labelled "progressives"! Guess frying one's brain on the deleterious stuff they appear to be supporting leads to such illogic, no matter who or what one is!
And of course some communist NDP health critic in BC also blasted the Minister, claiming that "safe injection sites" for junkies work, whereas I've seen real reports on the news that they actually do NOT and are actually being shunned by junkies who don't want to be told by bureaucrats when they can and cannot shoot up.
We can see that no matter what the Harper Conservatives do or say, there's always members of the ultra-radically-extreme "progressive" left shooting to their feet immediately, without any prior related cerebral activity, to automatically denounce them and propagate irresponsible leftist lies to cast false doubts and aspersions against the government, just because they don't like who's in power. Where, oh, where were those moonbat imbeciles when the Liberals were doing their best to destroy Canada as we have known her with their irresponsible, destructive devil-may-care "progressiveness"?
Regular Canadians will be pleased with the actions the government is taking, naturally. Regular Canadians are more impressed with common sense than with arrogant ivory tower "progressive" elites.
And this really pisses off the self-labelled "progressives".