The Liberals are claiming that they're the 'defenders of manufacturing in Ontario and Quebec'. Oh, really?
Amazing. These guys will make up anything at all, no matter how ridiculous and blatantly false.
They, while in power, oversaw a massive outsourcing of manufacturing to China and other countries. Yet they claim to be somehow good for the manufacturing industry and jobs in Canada?
They refused to cut corporate income taxes to competitive levels, thus leaving the manufacturing sector vulnerable should the Canadian Dollar rise (and it did- it's within about five cents of equalling the US Greenback already). Yet they claim that they're the ones who would be the savior of manufacturing jobs in Canada? Please. Who in their right mind will believe ANYTHING these lying, corrupt, crooked Liebrano$$$ claim, ever, ever, ever again? I sure as hell haven't forgotten that these guys' noses are longer than Pinocchio's! Shit, they can have a nose-growing contest with the Clintons, the CAIR and the Chinese Communist Party!
Bullshit, I declare.
They sound interventionist. Oh, my g...! Not that again! Shit, they're showing their communist colors yet again, still trying to chip support off from the NDP and Bloc, having given up on winning back the support they lost to the Conservatives.
The progressive liberal leftist revolutionarism is showing in the Liberal Party of Canada as strongly as ever, perhaps foreshadowing a return to Trudeaupian Liberalism... scary!
Suddenly the Liberals want to get proactive on the economy? Yeah, right. Like hell. It's just political posturing. They're accusing the Tories of "not using the available levers", whatever the hell they mean by that (which I think means state interventionism, which we know doesn't work in the long run as it distorts everything, just as in the Atlantic Provinces, which are still relatively a basket case thanks to decades and decades of state intervention and distortion in the economy of the region. And now they're saying to Ontarians and Quebeckers: Vote for us and we'll give you what the Maritimers got: dependence. Just elect us and submit to whatever we impose on you. Don't worry; Big Liberal Government will handle everything. Just pay your taxes, do as you're told and shudafukup or else.
Suddenly the Liberals want to get proactive on the economy? Yeah, right. Like hell. It's just political posturing. They're accusing the Tories of "not using the available levers", whatever the hell they mean by that (which I think means state interventionism, which we know doesn't work in the long run as it distorts everything, just as in the Atlantic Provinces, which are still relatively a basket case thanks to decades and decades of state intervention and distortion in the economy of the region. And now they're saying to Ontarians and Quebeckers: Vote for us and we'll give you what the Maritimers got: dependence. Just elect us and submit to whatever we impose on you. Don't worry; Big Liberal Government will handle everything. Just pay your taxes, do as you're told and shudafukup or else.
That's the Liberal Party today: they want to return to Trudeaupian national socialism. Can you say National Energy Program? Can you say appeasement? Can you say destructive social reengineering? Can you say crime, corruption, greed, entitlement, cavalier neglect and gross incompetence? Can you say ADSCAM? You name it, they did it bad!