Monday, November 10, 2008

Shocker: 7% Never Heard of Holocaust!

A Nazi about to execute a Jewish mother and her child, above, while below, just a few of the millions of Jews and other "inconvenients" lie murdered in purely evil, cold blood, the victims of the National Socialist hatred and supremacism under Hitler's horrendous Third Reich. Unfortunately, this sort of evil continues to this day, with barely, if any, mention, by the supposedly omni-aware mainstream media, which, no surprise, is controlled by the Far Left, which shockingly ignores such evil to this day, and which only mentions the Nazi Holocaust for its own selfish propaganda/partisan character assassination purposes.

Today, the Far Left celebrates the ascent of a radically extreme Leftist to the White House in the United States of America, having been elected based on Nazi/Goebbelian-reminiscent propaganda/manipulation/Big Lie/population perception saturation communications tactics. The new, Far-Leftist President-Elect of the most powerful nation on Earth, who is on record as declaring his intent to "change the world", is now looking at everything to determine what he can do by "executive order" to immediately wield maximum power to advance his extreme hidden agenda, of which we know very little...
while, elsewhere in the world, things are already extraordinarily evil and murderous... including in Russia, where we've just recently witnessed territorial invasion, mass slaughter of innocents and territorial annexation of a neighboring nation, reminiscent of the Nazi annexation of part of Czechoslovakia, and from whom we're hearing renewed threats of a Nuclear Holocaust from its ultra-powerful, illegitimate leadership... and it appears that the new, Hard-Left-Wing American President-Elect appears set to appease the Russians by ultimately cancelling the defensive-against-the-Iranian-ICBM-threat missile shield in Poland...

Story here.

ht: National Newswatch

It's been discovered in a survey that seven percent of Canadians have never even heard of the Holocaust, in which millions of Jews were murdered by Hitler's Nazis. Astonishing! Aren't the schools teaching history? Or are they cleansing history of the truth that matters? Or what? Are they rewriting history, perhaps changing the curriculum to instead reflect possibly-fabricated, fantasy, Far-Left-preferred, politically-correct "history", to please the Far Left , therefore pushing out the really important stuff? This is a shocker, for sure! I bet some folks didn't know that Canada fought in world wars, helping beat the Axis powers, killing many, many enemy combatants. Many don't realize, obviously, that Canada is a warrior nation which will go to war to defend freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights. No kidding! Some people harbor the bizarre delusion, thanks to MSM propaganda, that Canada is only a "peacekeeping" nation! Incredible, such misinformation so many have! Further, pretty much nobody is aware of a holocaust happening today, this time in China, this time against the Falun Gong... the Communists are systematically exterminating Falun Gong practitioners... did you know that? Probably not, because the mainstream media won't tell us, if they've heard of it themselves, that is.

And there's other holocausts happening right now in the world of which most are unaware, probably because those perpetuating them are "non-white" and/or Muslim, and it would be considered under political correctness to be racist or Islamophobic to even mention that minorities/Muslims are wiping out entire groups of people simply because they're different and because they hate them.

Keep this in mind tomorrow, for tomorrow is Remembrance Day.

Unfortunately, many folks probably haven't a bloody clue what it's about at all!
And this is tragic! But I'm sure the Far Left likes it this way, as they want to rewrite history so as to fool as many folks as possible into believing that whatever the Far Left says about history is the truth, and that the actual truth is a lie. For shame!

I, for one, remember, unlike the Leftist zombies created by the selfish agenda, state-apparatus control and propaganda/diversionary indoctrination tactics of the Ultra-Far Left...

Tomorrow, we shall remember, for today we must remain ever-vigilant and ever-ready, poised to fight evil yet again and again...