Friday, November 14, 2008

The Immorality of Obamites

Story here.

ht: Drudge

The Rev. Jay Scott Newman said in a letter distributed Sunday to parishioners at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenville that they are putting their souls at risk if they take Holy Communion before doing penance for their vote.

"Our nation has chosen for its chief executive the most radical pro-abortion politician ever to serve in the United States Senate or to run for president," Newman wrote, referring to Obama by his full name, including his middle name of Hussein.

"Voting for a pro-abortion politician when a plausible pro-life alternative exits constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil, and those Catholics who do so place themselves outside of the full communion of Christ's Church and under the judgment of divine law. Persons in this condition should not receive Holy Communion until and unless they are reconciled to God in the Sacrament of Penance, lest they eat and drink their own condemnation."

During the 2008 presidential campaign, many bishops spoke out on abortion more boldly than four years earlier, telling Catholic politicians and voters that the issue should be the most important consideration in setting policy and deciding which candidate to back. A few church leaders said parishioners risked their immortal soul by voting for candidates who support abortion rights.

I love it when people defiantly, valorously, selflessly speak the truth without fear of Hard-Left/mainstream media/ACLU/HRC retaliation.

Imagine a world in which every non-Leftist stood up and spoke out, ever-so-inconveniently, and, yes, ever-so-offensively... and one in which they don't have their rights taken away for exercising them.

Ok, there's the news report/link for this post.

Now it's time for my broader musings stemming therefrom... (Oh, will the Hard-Left fascists ever hate what I'm going to say, ever so true, so inconvenient to their agenda, which they don't want people seeing for what it really is...)

After all, as a free, guaranteed, inviolable Charter Rights-enjoying human being living in Canada, perhaps the freest, at least relatively, nation in the contemporary world, I'm fully entitled, notwithstanding the incorrect claims of aggrieved emotional weaklings who cannot tolerate seeing others have a different point of view and seek to have state-apparatus fascists revoke my guaranteed rights forever... In short, it's my bloody right, and everyone knows it! (ht: Freedom Fighter Ezra Levant)

I guess, therefore, that Obama voters have no morals, are atheists, or are deluding themselves into believing they're Godly when they're not, etc... Surely they knew that voting Obama is immoral, wrong... and voted for him anyway. Rather like how the Germans voted for Hitler, believing in his supposed greatness, his imaginary, audacious messianic aura, his promises of "change", "hope". Did they know he wanted to change the world, too?

But that is what "Progressivism" is about: immorality and wrongness. And utter confusion about what's right and wrong, egged on by affective, Hard-Leftwing, psychologically-manipulative propagandists and a willing-to-be-their-mouthpiece mainstream media.

And the so-called "Progressives" (they're actually regressives, reminding those in the know of the Dark Ages when anything and everything destructive was seen as perfectly normal and natural... you've seen those unbelievably frightening ancient paintings of human beings engaged in Hellish activity long, long ago, in the times before the advent of JudeoChristianity saved humanity and built civilization as we know it, and as immorals like Nazis, Communists, Islamofascists, Hard-Leftists, etc., seek to destroy it, replacing it with something we won't recognize) are proud of their "progressiveness" in advancing the murder of human beings considered inconvenient. Once they can accept babykilling, they're on a slippery slope to accepting the murder of other inconvenient innocents. All they need is to have someone like Obama tell them that it's the right thing... so far, they've believed every single thing he told them.

Rather like the German citizenry who believed Hitler's lies that killing certain "inconvenients" was the right thing to do... and a moral duty.

Like the Russians of today who support Medvedev and his puppetmaster Putin in their resurgent Evil Empire and Axis Powers-rebuilding madness.

Like the "Palestinians" who have been so forcibly, irresistably brainwashed by the likes of Hamas, Fatah, the so-called "Palestinian Authority", into hating anyone Jewish, non-Islamic, Israeli, American, anyone they're told to hate and told they should wish (and cause to be) dead.

Incredible, the warped minds of "Progressives". Clearly they aren't thinking for themselves. But is this an excuse???

And one doesn't even have to be religious to understand that wiping out entire identifiable groups of human beings is wrong and evil.

By the way, Obama is going to use Americans' tax dollars to promote abortion... right up to the end of the ninth month, including promoting the execution of babies born alive in failed attempts to murder them in "abortions"... in the entire world. I bet most "Progressives", even the most aware ones, are deliberately, via denial and willing ignorance, unaware of this, conveniently. One must ask: Who else will the New Most Powerful Man in the World target next?

Obama did say he wants to "change the world", without being specific, after all...

Hidden agenda, yes. No doubt.

Oh, and, by the way, why don't "Progressives" see the irony in wanting to preserve the lives of murderers, of the most extreme evildoers of all? Why do they ferociously protest against the death penalty for cold-blooded murderers, but they ferociously defend the so-called "right" to murder completely innocent human beings like babies and the disabled, whom they don't want to keep alive? Ah, therein lies the truth: "Progressives" simply believe in murder and death, period, rewarding and protecting those who murder innocents, with some exceptions, of course, for members of immorality-practicing groups, whose deaths are, in the eyes of "Progressives", immoral, whereas purely innocent human beings are to be killed in the name of their special "morality"...

My, but how screwed-up these folks are. No wonder they voted for Obama, the biggest-wig screwball of all.