Wednesday, November 26, 2008

CBC Protests Too Much, Really

It's the classic pot-and-kettle situation.

OTTAWA — A private sector media competitor is using the Access to Information Act to target the CBC with “distorted attacks” on its executive spending, claims the chairman of the public broadcaster’s board of directors.


Stories on CBC executive expenses appeared recently in the Sun Media chain and Le Journal de Montreal, both of which are owned by Quebecor Inc.

Using access documents, the reports detailed thousands of dollars in travel, hospitality and corporate expenses from 2006 that were attributed to Sylvain Lafrance, CBC’s vice-president of French services.

The stories prompted a public warning to the CBC from Moore, who said the “reported excess” in a time of fiscal restraint “does not sit well” with Canadian taxpayers who subsidize the broadcaster.

The CBC has no problem with digging for dirt and spinning it against others.

But when it's done to the CBC, they suddenly engage in classic Leftist projection, accusing their rivals of the very stuff they themselves are infamous for doing.

It's just too pricelessly rich.

Again, we have a Leftist entity unable to handle having something done to itself the same way they do to others.

Hypocrisy, the very definition...

The pot is accusing the kettle of "distorted attacks".

Oh, sheesh! Come ON! Get some 'nads and take some crap once in awhile... it goes both ways!

Doesn't that arrogant culture of entitlement and double-standard practice just irritate you, the taxpayer from whom those whining Leftist entitlist elites happily receive their perceived entitlement/comfort money?

Especially when they're doing it all on our tax dime... trying to escape scrutiny and accountability for their profligate, luxurious spending habits whilst militating against our interests, masquerading as something that conveys relevant news, information and what it wants us to believe is "culture".

We don't need a bunch of hypersensitive, hypocritical Leftists taking our money and behaving like petulant tots!

They don't want to lose their perceived entitlements, after all... Noooooo! Don't take away our slovenly first-class lifestyle!