ht: National Newswatch
Emphasis mine.
"[Our system] has become some kind of religion," he said. "The word 'private' is taboo in Canada. I've been talking to people around the world and they don't get why it's such a big deal to talk about private care. In France, 60% of surgeries are done in private clinics but paid by the government. The point is to do what is important for the patient. [In Canada] we are thinking about the system, we're not thinking about the patient."(...)
Like Canada, he said the United Kingdom suffered from the same wait list problems as Canada, as well as having similar problems in their emergency rooms.
One element they used to solve the problem was changing the way hospital budgets were allocated. Instead of global budgets, funds were tied to patient care. "The patient became a source of revenue for the hospital rather than an expense."
He said the result in the United Kingdom has been drastically reduced wait times, along with a requirement that no emergency room patient wait more than four hours before getting care.
Well? Let's make it so, then!
What's stopping us? Are we hairshirted self-flagellators; do we like to suffer? Do we want to wait all day (or even for YEARS) in agony just for the sake of the discredited dogma of socialism? Or do we want to get medical attention ASAP?
While we dither, and even while we shovel billions more of our tax dollars into the socialist system, things just keep getting worse; supply doesn't even come close to matching demand! Why? Because it's socialism, stupid! This is why we need capitalism! Dammit- even the Chinese Communists don't have pure communism anymore, don't have a purely communistic healthcare system, whereas WE do, and that's frigging insane as hell!
We're one of only three countries on Earth with purely socialized healthcare. The others are totalitarian, Non-Free World Communist butcherships, known as North Korea and Cuba. So is it any wonder that, the majority of time we visit a hospital, we feel like we're under a big thumb and are completely helpless, utterly at the mercy of the state apparatus and its dangerously overworked, too-few-in-number employees, who themselves are obviously under the irrationally oppressive state apparatus thumb?
In a nutshell, it's simply not working very well, this socialistic "Medicare" system in Canada. We KNOW it. It's time to quit being politically correct, snap out of our delusion and start speaking loudly the inconvenient truth, which is that our healthcare system actually sucks, precisely because it's purely socialized! And demand serious reform to make it work, for once and for all!
Let's roll!