Saturday, November 08, 2008

Reality Hits As Obama Does Nothing, Really, On Economy

Remember this, O mesmerized, guillible, wanna-hope-rather-than-think Obamites?

Surprise, dupes! Obama...

... can't! -A good piece by Terrence Corcoran of the National Post helps us see cold, hard reality as it replaces the grand delusion instilled by Obama into those who believed he was some kind of miracle worker who knows how to do stuff and who had a clear idea of exactly what to do right from day one, even though he never explained what he would, in fact, do. (and I warned in this blog about that, didn't I?) The fact that he just went around uttering short slogans like "yes we can" and "change" and "hope" without putting any meat on those bones should've clued-in those who voted Obama in America and those elsewhere who bought the Big Myth.

If Obama knew what to do, then he'd already have it all ready to implement the very moment he officially acquires the power to do so. But... he has nothing! He LIED! He never knew what to do... or did he? If he does have an agenda, why isn't he telling us what it is? Is he going to implement it by stealth? Hugo Chavez-style socialism by stealth?

Over to Mr. Corcoran:

During CNN’s broadcast of Barack Obama’s first press conference on Friday, a corner of the screen flickered with a live feed of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. As Obama spoke, the Dow average lost more than 100 points. In his brief statement and question session, the president elect of the United States said next to nothing about anything. There were no signs of the Yes We Can positivism of the campaign in his low-key, even halting manner. What little he did say may well signal the beginning of a new phase in Obamamania: No we can’t.

The first sign that Obama had nothing, actually... came as he spoke- the stock markets suddenly plummeted and appear to be continuing to do so, as those who understand the economy, professional stock market folks, realized that this guy, Obama, wasn't really going to do anything, despite talking about doing something and pretending to be, but not actually doing anything of substance. I'm sure we all noticed the stock market plunge and realized it was tied directly to President-Elect Obama. Well, can't say I didn't see this coming, as stock market pros can actually be more rational than those ordinary citizens who can afford to delude themselves into believing everything and anything is possible, and hoping, without understanding anything, without their Messiah explaining what's what and what he's gonna do... While ordinary citizens might buy Obama's gobbleddygook that something's being done, there are those who know it's not the case, and that's why they moved to dump assets, hence the stock market's decline, its becoming progressively more flaccid, as Obama spoke, sort of like what happens to Billy when he, after schmoozing with his buxom young groupies, suddenly sees a glowering Hillary.

The first realization is that it will be almost three months before Obama becomes president. Three months is a long time in economics, and it will seem like an eternity to the millions of miracle-seekers who are expecting Obama to part the waters. Economic policy between now and January 20 and for months after that, is essentially beyond Obama’s control. George W. Bush may be a lame-duck president, but Barack Obama has even less influence over the immediate course of policy. On Friday Obama said economic stimulus will be “the first thing I get done.” But can you possibly bring in a spending and stimulus tax plan any time before the middle of next year that will have an impact anytime before next June or even later? No we can’t.

15 years ago, Bill Clinton faced the same dilemma. He too rode to victory in the midst of a recession, on a campaign that painted America as a lost country that had sunk to new moral and economic lows. Only major new interventions, spending and regulation could lift the United States out of its quagmire.

Of course... Billy "Quagmire" Clinton came to power on the cusp of the Nineties' strong, long-running worldwide economic expansion from which we all benefited, so, really, he just got lucky to preside over such a situation.

This may not be the case for Barack Obama. And since he hasn't got any flesh on his ideas for what to do, it's clear that he hasn't a bloody clue at all. Or does he? Hard to say, but I think he does, and that it's a Marxist idea he's got...

And where will he turn, really? Of course... to his Marxist advisors! Why? Because he's a Marxist! Sheesh- didn't y'all know that, or do you only listen to what the Far Left mainstream media told you, ignoring the facts about the man which were and are available to those with the motivation to do some online research into his ideologically formative past, his associations, his mentors, etc...? Surely y'all don't actually believe he's a real free-marketer? He DID say, infamously, that his agenda was to "spread the wealth around"... surely you heard about that, as it was all over the news so much?

So Obama is simply pretending to be doing something by simply getting some experts and professionals together to help him figure out what to do. Sound familiar? Well, that's what the Canadian doofus-savant Liberal leader Stephane Dion said he'd do if elected, too, which he wasn't, fortunately. As opposed, that is, to PM Harper's explanation of the reality, what he's already done and what he'll continue to do, what little things he could do to help here and there, which is far more plausible than pretending that getting some guys and gals together to come up with a "stimulus program" will do the trick (I really get the shivers when I see the word "program", as it carries Far-Left, socialistic connotations for me and is irrevocably, radioactively tainted as such). Note that in October, the Canadian economy added another 9,500 jobs, following September's all-time record job creation of over 100,000, so it would appear that PM Harper's own actions (wrongly spun as inaction and "nothing" by the Leftist Opposition and the MSM, who appear to want some fancy, awesome, grand "program" of socialistic, big-government intervention, spending, tax hikes, red tape, etc..., Keynesian-style, quick-fix, ignore-the-log-run-and-its-consequences-stemming-therefrom, stimulation and all that) have indeed been working.

Apparently Barack's merely copying his comrade Billy's own "actions"...

To bridge the time gap from early November to late January, Clinton organized a policy summit. More than 300 policy wonks, interest groups, academics, business leaders and big-name advisors were brought to Little Rock, capital of Clinton’s home state, Arkansas. There, surrounded by as many media, the wonks went at it. Over two days the summit produced an avalanche of ideas and theories, most of from the democratic left and all of them too familiar today.

And we know the long-run consequences of this Far-Left, socialistic, Marxist gobbleddygook foisted upon us by the Democrats under Mr. Hey-Look-At-My-Willy.

The subprime mortgage crisis is widely understood to be the Democrats' fault, thanks to their spread-the-wealth-to-the-poor scheme of making mortgages available to those who can't afford one, who can't afford to make the payments (why does anyone need a big house anyway, when an apartment or a trailer-style mini-home will suffice for a lot less money?). And it was that scheme that started the whole economic crisis we see today. Of course, the not-so-conservative-anymore Dubya Bush Republicans have to share some blame, too, for not scrapping the unworkable scheme of the Democrats, a scheme which we know is going to leave the American taxpayers on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars for the bailout package for the lenders. This will perhaps be cited by historians as one of the legacies of the Democrats under Bill Clinton, and I predict that one day we'll be looking at a similar, if not even worse, situation, thanks to Barack Obama...

Anyway, read the whole Corcoran piece for the rest of his explanation. Guess I owe him one for his getting me going on this post with my own POV.

All that said, I don't hold much audacious hope for Obama to make the right moves to bring about the right kind of change, the kind of change that isn't merely a temporary feel-good "program" that sounds good to those who don't understand how economies work, who don't understand that Left-wing, socialist big-government intervention in the economy does more harm than good, at least certainly in the long run, as we well know. After all, we know the problems caused in the long run by rampant deficit spending, by tax hikes which discourage economic activity and job creation, by implementing stupid schemes like the subprime mortgage thing that proved that Leftists and RINO Republicans have no ablility to foresee the long-run consequences of present-day, popular, ultimately-gonna-fail, stimulus programs.

Besides, I also believe that Obama's "stimulus program" will not only be harmful in the long run, but it will also be designed with some kind of massive, radically extreme, Far-Left-wing social-reengineering as part of the agenda, though this will naturally be hidden and denied, with those who point it out called "liars" and "conspiracy theorists" for simply warning against the Marxist-baloney program's implementation and consequences.

The day after Barack Hussein Obama, the hard-left, socialist President-Elect with the hidden Far-Left agenda, was elected, I advised whomever asked that Obama would disappoint. And it certainly, so far, appears that he has.

If Obama's really religious, he'll be praying for a miracle, for a worldwide economic boom like his dear comrade brother Billy Clintoon was lucky enough to get hit with... The only question on our minds is... to whom will he pray? We don't know, really, as the guy's a very mysterious dude, after all, whose statements must all be taken with a grain of salt, rather than with blind, brainless faith in his supposed honesty and greatness.

Should've gone with McCain-Palin. They were going to do something about wasteful spending, keep taxes low and balance the budget, restoring confidence in the economy, helping bring about recovery, especially for the long run. This, we know, works. Leftists will, of course, dis.

Barack Hussein Obama will only raise taxes and furiously crank up wasteful, Far-Left spending.

Don't believe me? Well... just watch him...