Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Losing Rights In Belgium For Protesting Against Islamoimperialism

This is what you get in Brussels for speaking out against Islamofascistic imperalism. All he was doing was exercising his right to peaceful protest. Apparently, criticizing Islam is forbidden in Belgium. Note the gloved hand on the man's mouth, preventing him from saying anything at all. Ever seen a Muslim get treated this way by the state apparatus of a Free World nation for saying something in public? I haven't. Ever.

How come Muslims (or anyone on the far left) don't lose any rights at all when they incite terrorism, imperialism, supremacism and sheer hatred in public? See the double standard?

Story here and here. Do ensure that you view the shocking video at the second link proving that fascism is back in Europe... and is being applied against normal people who dare to exercise the rights guaranteed them by the constitutions of their nations. Note at the end when a fellow in business attire has his hand smashed, unprovoked, by a gestapo officer's baton. Is this normal for Belgium? To beat up ordinary middle-aged, law-abiding citizens in suits for simply speaking?

Note also in the video that there was no provocation by the protestors- the police simply arrested them, very brutally.

Is North America next in line for this resurgent state apparatus fascism?

It was simply a protest by Stop Islamization of Europe (SIOE). Simply a protest. I though that all protests were acceptable, no matter how horrendously offensive, hateful, slanderous... after all, the Islamic fascists, the ultra-extreme leftwing militants, the sexual fascists, etc. all get to protest however they please, naked, violent, profane, hateful, slanderous...

But if you're a regular person and wish to register a protest unapproved by the leftofascistic forces of political correctness, the state apparatus will shut you right the feck up... brutally.

It's not that we stand to lose our liberties.

We already are losing them. We've been losing them for years. While at the same time various radical, anti-normal extremists, including Islamic fascists, gain special, exclusive liberties unfairly and unconstitutionally.

Rather reminds me of the German state apparatus today enforcing, police-state-style (literally), Adolf Hitler's very own anti-homeschooling law (still in force, never repealed!), arresting parents, taking children away, committing them to insane asylums and forcing them to go to school... for a very specific reason, obviously: to be indoctrinated in sexual extremist ideological dogmae against their wishes and against their religion.

Of course, that's Europe. Europe tends to become fascist like this, we know full well from its history. And it's falling backwards.

The defence of freedom is resistance. And resist this fascism we must.

Freedom isn't a given. It's not something we're born with. It is, in fact, something that requires WAR in order to protect.

There's no other way; anyone who thinks that submission will preserve liberty is wrong.