Tuesday, September 25, 2007

If Hillary Becomes President: Another Warning Post

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Really, Americans do not want this... (Link fixed)

The 44th president of the United States will take the Oath of Office at the UN. She will place her left hand on the Koran, while swearing (in Spanish) at the U.S. Constitution, free markets, and Republicans.

Presidential Inaugural Balls will be held in Moscow, Paris, Havana, San Francisco, and other venues with large populations of known anti-American leftists, feminists, atheists, and other anarchists.

Burning the American flag will no longer be a crime, unless Al Gore decides that the smoke from smoldering flags causes global warming. (...)

Marriage will be redefined as a union between two or more consenting men, women, animals, insects, and plants, or any combination thereof.

Well, read the whole thing for yourself. There's much more, unfortunately!

It may make you laugh, but the very concept of a Democratic President these days isn't funny at all. It's frightening as hell.

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. The Boogeywoman is coming to get you!