Thursday, September 20, 2007

John Kerry Gives Vets Finger

Story here

As Kerry's vehicle turned left at an accelerated pace, and faced about 15 people on the opposite side of the street, where most of the vets were standing-- Kerry flipped them the bird from inside the safety of his speeding car!

It happened so quickly there were no pictures only eye witnesses.


When the camera wasn't trained on him, he showed us the real Senator John Kerry and with his crude finger gesture told us the contempt he harbors for the genuine hero known as the American soldier.

And as far as I can tell, Democratic Presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton doesn't have much more respect from Veterans, nor the troops, than does John F***ing Kerry.

And, note the first paragraph I excerpted, where it says, "...turned left at an accelerated pace...". Boy, these moonbats do everything in a hard-and-fast leftwards manner, don't they?