Sunday, September 16, 2007

Illegals in Certain US Prisons Treated Way Better than Citizens

Ok to taser citizens, but not illegal aliens.

Ok to give citizens "sleeping pads" but must give illegal aliens real "beds".


Story here.

If this isn't more proof of political correctness leading to insanity on the part of brainwashed state apparatchiks whose only concern is drawing a paycheck for doing as little work as possible, then nothing is.

"I think most citizens would think it extremely bizarre for the federal government to say that Tasers must never be used on an illegal alien when their use is legal for citizens," Tancredo said. "I hope that DRO will pull back from any effort to impose its 'Taser rule' on jails operated by local law enforcement.

"I also have other questions about the DRO detention standards imposed on local jail facilities," Tancredo said in his letter. "Where in federal law or regulations is it mandated that illegal aliens held in custody must have an assigned 'bed' rather than a 'pad' when the use of pads is legal for U.S. citizens? Why is there a different standard for the accommodation of illegal aliens than for citizens?"


"I hope that the DRO will reconsider forcing unworkable mandates on the law enforcement people who are trying to detain illegal aliens. Law enforcement needs more tools, not more restrictions, in the fight against illegal immigration," said Tancredo.

Of course, expect the progressive liberal leftist revolutionaries to rationalize it somehow. Try not to fall down too hard laughing, or, if that's not your style, try then not to let steam shoot out of your ears when you hear the moonbats attempting against all sanity and logic to justify providing better treatment to illegal aliens than is accorded actual citizens.

If any of the inmates gets out of line, taser their asses, regardless of who they are!

You know, this reminds me a bit of the kerfluffle over Canada's Chief Electoral Officer's unwarranted decision to not require Muslim women to show their faces when voting. It's about politically correct insanity and ultra-extreme leftist revolutionarism.