Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ex-"Gay" Assaulted by "Gay", "Gays" Say Only They Shall Benefit From "Hate Crimes" Laws

Activists deny attack on ex-'gay,' even though police confirm it happened

Now it appears we will have to invent a new word:


It appears that it's on the rise. And it's leading to violence borne of fear and loathing against former homosexuals, similar to what happens to Muslims who become ex-Muslim apostates, receiving hatred, intolerance and violence from those who don't want anyone to leave the "family".

Emphasis mine.

"As happens every year, gay activists disrupted our booth activities," she wrote of the fair outreach. "They screamed obscenities, threw our materials from the exhibit table to the ground, insisted we recognize their same-sex 'spouses,' demanded that PFOX leave, and hit a PFOX volunteer because he is ex-gay."

"When we explained that the county's sexual orientation law allows both the gay booth and our ex-gay booth to exhibit, the unhappy gays insisted that sexual orientation laws on hate crimes and discrimination do not apply to ex-gays – only gays – and no tolerance should be extended to former homosexuals," she continued.


"Although the gays have their own exhibit booth, they steadfastly refuse to accept the presence of an ex-gay booth or support equal access," she said. "Also disturbing is that several of the gays identified themselves as educators who would ensure that our teen materials do not reach schoolchildren as gay materials do."

"Leaving homosexuality is like leaving a cult – many gay activists feel betrayed by ex-gays and hate anyone who supports self-determination when it comes to the ex-gay community," she continued. "Although God gave us free will to choose our own lives, whether good or bad choices, gay activists would take free will away from us and force ex-gays back into the closet."

More evidence of fascism and intolerance -and violence- coming from supremacist, imperialist, militant homosexual activists.

Why are some homosexuals so fearful, so hateful of and sometimes even violently intolerant of even the constitutional rights of people who used to be homosexuals and who merely want to tell their stories as former homosexuals? Why the fear and hatred of these innocent former homosexuals? What's wrong with being a former homosexual and talking about it in public? Who does it hurt? No one.

I mean, it parallels the needless fear and loathing the Chinese Communist Party harbors towards the peaceful, compassionate and tolerant Falun Gong.

Lucky for the homosexual bigot who assaulted the ex-homosexual, the ex-homosexual, who is a Christian, turned the other cheek on the assault. Otherwise, the confused, angry, fearful homosexual bigot would ironically be facing hate crimes charges...

I find it poignantly ironic that the group which persecutes former homosexuals, "Truth Wins Out", prefers to deal in lies and sheer propaganda. But it's no surprise. Because the militant homosexual movement is based on lies and seeks to impose these lies onto the People, brainwashing them via incessant MSM messaging into converting to their particular worldview, without their knowledge, nor consent, deliberately violating their human rights in the process... and this started in the early Nineties with a de-facto 'Homosexual Manifesto' of sorts, "After the Ball", a blueprint setting forth what became the biggest false propaganda campaign since Goebbels's Big Lie.