Above: The Mayor of Brussels congratulating the tyrants of Burma, also saying, "...Europe still has a lot to learn from you!"
h/t: Vigilant Freedom
Because the left views the purpose of judges as furthering a social agenda that transcends justice in the courtroom, the judicial process has been distorted for decades.
There was a time when the primary purpose of journalists was to report the news. That is why they were called "reporters." But for most news people on the left, reporting the news is insignificant compared to changing society for the better, which is the whole point of being a leftist.
Until the left took over education, the primary purpose of a teacher was to teach, and to do so as truthfully and apolitically as possible. Today, the primary purpose for very many high school teachers and college professors on the left is to influence students.
Muslim jihadist leaders interviewed for a new book were ecstatic about statements from television talk host Rosie O'Donnell about the war in Iraq and the global war on terror, agreeing with her outspoken views.
"I agree with what this O'Donnell says. ...We welcome Rosie O'Donnell to stay among us and to get to know the truth from being here, like many American peace activists are doing," said Ala Senakreh, West Bank chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorist organization.
The terrorists interviewed stated they had never heard of O'Donnell, a former host of ABC's "The View," who made regular headlines with her heated political battles against conservative-leaning co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Klein told the terrorists O'Donnell was a high profile television personality and read to them a series of her political statements, with which they mostly agreed.
West Bank Brigades chieftain Senakreh commented, "Many people have been saying this since the first moment it happened. Of course when it comes from persons like O'Donnell, who you say is respected, it takes a more serious significance. I guess she knows what she is saying."
"This is the most morally depraved, bigoted segment of gay population," Donohue said of the anti-Catholic group.
"We further challenge the media to cover this affront to Christianity with the same vigor as recent stories about cartoon depictions of Muhammad and other items offensive to the Muslim community," said Matt Barber, CWFA's policy director for cultural issues.
Barber pointed out San Francisco taxpayers help foot the bill for the fair by providing police support – to shut down several city blocks and provide security.
"Senator Larry Craig was arrested and driven out of the Senate for allegedly soliciting public 'gay' sex, yet during this event the city of San Francisco suspends the law and allows 'gay' men and women to parade the streets fully nude, many having sex – even group orgies – in broad daylight, while taxpayer-funded police officers look on and do absolutely nothing."
"There's an unbelievable news story here," he said. "The Folsom Street Fair is reminiscent of biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, and the media should document exactly what the city of San Francisco is allowing to occur – in public – in the name of 'tolerance.'"
A photograph by a controversial American artist which is part of Sir Elton John's private collection has been seized by police from a gallery on suspicion it may have breached child pornography laws.The image, which featured two young girls one of whom was sitting down with her legs wide apart, was taken by the renowned photographer Nan Goldin.The shot, from the artist's Thanksgiving series, was to be exhibited at the Baltic Modern Art gallery, Tyneside, this week along with some of her other work. But the day before it was due to be viewed by the public, police came and removed the image over fears that it might be breaking the law.
Really, Americans do not want this... (Link fixed)
The 44th president of the United States will take the Oath of Office at the UN. She will place her left hand on the Koran, while swearing (in Spanish) at the U.S. Constitution, free markets, and Republicans.
Presidential Inaugural Balls will be held in Moscow, Paris, Havana, San Francisco, and other venues with large populations of known anti-American leftists, feminists, atheists, and other anarchists.
Burning the American flag will no longer be a crime, unless Al Gore decides that the smoke from smoldering flags causes global warming. (...)
Marriage will be redefined as a union between two or more consenting men, women, animals, insects, and plants, or any combination thereof.
Well, read the whole thing for yourself. There's much more, unfortunately!
It may make you laugh, but the very concept of a Democratic President these days isn't funny at all. It's frightening as hell.
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. The Boogeywoman is coming to get you!
Democracy and good governance are on the retreat in a number of countries around the world, a wide-ranging report says on Tuesday.
The report, compiled by Freedom House, a US government-supported campaigning organisation, concludes that human rights and governance have worsened in Russia and Iran, arguing that corruption in Iran has intensified in spite of the campaign promises of President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad.
It also indicates that states across the world are attempting to follow the model of China and Russia by seeking to modernise parts of their economy while keeping a central grip on power.
Among the countries that have achieved economic success while maintaining or intensifying what the report identifies as political repression are Libya, Tunisia and Algeria. It adds that Egypt has been both economically unsuccessful and politically repressive and that democratic developments have been stopped in their tracks by coups in Thailand and Bangladesh.
Canada is "very concerned" about Tehran's intervention outside its borders and has not ruled out banning the Iranian Revolutionary Guard under the Anti-Terrorism Act, says Stockwell Day, the Minister of Public Safety.
"We are very concerned about Iranian intervention in jurisdictions outside of their own, either if that's affecting our allies or if it's affecting us," Mr. Day said in an interview.
He said the Minister of Foreign Affairs and his staff were "key and involved" in the discussions about how Ottawa should respond to actions by Iran that threaten Canadians and Canadian interests.
Asked if the Conservatives would place the Revolutionary Guard on Canada's list of designated terrorist groups, Mr. Day said: "Nothing's been ruled out, that's about all I can say at this point."
Khadr was captured when he was 15 and faces charges life in prison on of murder, conspiracy, spying and supporting terrorism counts. He is charged with tossing a grenade that killed one U.S. soldier and injured another in Afghanistan in 2002.
His trial would be the first full legal airing of the Guantanamo detainees, who include several "high-value" prisoners, such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the 2001 terror attacks on the United States.
Other western countries have insisted their citizens be brought home from Guantanamo to face justice but Ottawa has refused to intervene on Khadr's behalf.
Addressing a high-level summit at the United Nations, Harper said Canada stands firmly committed to forging an international agreement, but said balance is the “core principle” of Canada’s approach.
“We are balancing environmental protection with economic growth,” he told the gathering of 70 world leaders. “We are balancing public and private sector involvement in clean energy technology development, and we are promoting a balanced international approach to emissions reduction that engages all major emitters while respecting the unique characteristics of their economies.”
Speaking for the first time at the United Nations on the issue of climate change, Mr. Harper also signalled his desire for a less-rigid arrangement than the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012.
”There is an emerging consensus on the need for a new, effective and flexible climate-change framework, one that commits all the world's major emitters to real targets and concrete action against global greenhouse gas emissions,” he said.
The Prime Minister's comments reflect his long-standing criticism of the structure of Kyoto's current phase, whereby developed nations have reduction targets and developing countries, such as India and China, do not.
Mr. Harper's letter portrays his work to achieve climate-change statements at the G8 and APEC as a sign of environmental leadership. Canadian negotiators under the Conservatives have argued that the Kyoto Protocol should essentially be phased out after its first phase in favour of an updated version of the UN Convention on climate change, which preceded Kyoto and did not include hard targets to reduce emissions.
NEW YORK — Columbia University said it would welcome any notable figure visiting the United States — even Adolf Hitler himself — to speak to students and faculty at the Ivy League college.
But there are those who question what the New York college's standards are. They ask why a school that will not allow an ROTC program to be part of its curriculum would allow Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, one of America’s avowed enemies, onto its campus.
Critics wonder why the leader of a nation that exports terrorism is allowed to speak, but the leader of an American organization that seeks to secure U.S. borders was not.
On Monday, Columbia will play host to Ahmadinejad, who has called the Holocaust "a myth," encouraged the destruction of Israel and who leads a nation that has supported Hezbollah terrorists in the Middle East and insurgents in Iraq.
“It’s beyond Stephane Dion. It is the Liberal brand that is tarnished.”
A knot of terrorism researchers say the memos and audiotapes, many translated from Arabic and containing detailed strategies by the international Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood, are proof that extremists have long sought to replace the Constitution with Shariah, or Islamic law.
The documents – introduced in recent weeks as part of the prosecution's case in the trial of the now defunct Holy Land Foundation and five of its organizers – lay out the Brotherhood's plans in chillingly stark terms.
A 1991 strategy paper for the Brotherhood, often referred to as the Ikhwan in Arabic, found in the Virginia home of an unindicted co-conspirator in the case, describes the group's U.S. goals, referred to as a "civilization-jihadist process."
"The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions," it states. This process requires a "mastery of the art of 'coalitions,' the art of 'absorption' and the principles of
'cooperation.' "
The primary strategic concept to accomplish the Brotherhood's objective is "civilizational jihad," the usurpation and replacement of American Judeo-Christian and Western liberal social, political and religious foundations by Islam. The campaign plan is one of colonization, described by the Ikhwan as a "settlement strategy." Explaining this concept they describe it as establishing Islam in America as "stable," "rooted" and "enabled on which the Islamic structure is built and with which the testimony of civilization is achieved." Recognizing this strategy cannot be carried forward alone by the Brotherhood they recognized the strategy requires that, "They are then to work to employ, direct and unify Muslims' efforts and powers for this process. In order to do that, we must possess a mastery of the art of "coalitions", the art of "absorption" and the principles of "cooperation."
As Kerry's vehicle turned left at an accelerated pace, and faced about 15 people on the opposite side of the street, where most of the vets were standing-- Kerry flipped them the bird from inside the safety of his speeding car!
It happened so quickly there were no pictures only eye witnesses.
When the camera wasn't trained on him, he showed us the real Senator John Kerry and with his crude finger gesture told us the contempt he harbors for the genuine hero known as the American soldier.
Stéphane Dion is blasting the Conservative government's foreign policy as mediocre, rigid, simplistic, amateurish, ineffective and incompetent.The Liberal leader unleashed the string of epithets in Montreal Thursday in a speech outlining his alternative approach to foreign affairs.He accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of slavishly following the U.S. lead on foreign policy — abandoning the Kyoto accord to reduce greenhouse gases, increasing defence spending and ignoring human rights violations.
"It's always worrisome when a politician constantly flip-flops, but when peoples' lives are at stake, it's inexcusable."
Mr. Bernier, however, rolled with the chaotic scene that unfolded in an upscale downtown hotel at a dinner at which he was the keynote speaker, calling the interruptions "an expression of democracy."
The aim of last night's speech was to try to persuade fellow Quebecers to stay the course and "finish the job" in Afghanistan, even though opposition parties have called for a withdrawal of troops between now and February 2009.
Mr. Bernier eventually finished his job -- but not before almost a dozen men and women were removed from the dinner after rising individually to fire off a series of verbal volleys.
"Canada cannot, without losing all credibility in the international arena, simply go back on its word and abandon such a crucial mission," Mr. Bernier eventually told the international symposium of Afghanistan experts, academics and diplomats.
UPDATE 1656 EST Sept 19/07: Reliable sources have reported to CaledoniaWakeUpCall that a plainclothes RCMP officer led OPP officers on a raid against the occupied Stirling Street construction site in Caledonia where Sam Gualtieri was assaulted, and arrested 13 natives. CWUC is also reporting that native leader Clyde Powless gave the go-ahead to the arrests. Why the OPP and RCMP needed Mr. Powless’ permission to enforce the law is not clear.
Startling news from Scotland today indicates that Canada--Ontario in particular--may be the next site for terrorist attacks.
Indeed, it now turns out that the arrests of 12 men and 5 teenagers as suspected terrorists in Toronto on June 2, 2006, didn't stop there but cropped up almost
year and a half later in Glasgow. The 12 men and five teens are in custody in
connection with the alleged attacks to the current day.
It is claimed that the attacks foiled by the RCMP and Toronto police stopped a mission that was to include detonating truck bombs, slaughtering shoppers and storming the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) and parliament building where terrorists allegedly planned to behead Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
According to mhowie@scotsman.com, "The security services feared Scotland's first home-grown "wannabe suicide bomber" had been preparing to carry out a terrorist attack in Canada it emerged last night." ( www.scotsman.com, Sept. 18, 2007).
Peter D,
No need to dither about what to do or use trade or any other excuse. The persecution of people for any reason must stop. The persecution for Falun Gong has been hidden by the Ccp and ignored by those making money out of China for the past 8 years, yet this is the fundamental problem we will all have if the that persecution is not stopped. They will then come for us. If the value of a human life has fallen to the sale of body parts for lucrative profits then what does that say about those who do nothing while they can?
It doesn’t take genius to figure that out. But it does take someone of rather inferior understanding to keep making excuses while the Ccp moves toward taking over democracy we knew it.
It has made considerable advances already. Learn the lesson from history .
Read this report http://investigation.go.saveinter.net/
Jana Homepage 09.19.07 - 3:04 am #
"As happens every year, gay activists disrupted our booth activities," she wrote of the fair outreach. "They screamed obscenities, threw our materials from the exhibit table to the ground, insisted we recognize their same-sex 'spouses,' demanded that PFOX leave, and hit a PFOX volunteer because he is ex-gay."
"When we explained that the county's sexual orientation law allows both the gay booth and our ex-gay booth to exhibit, the unhappy gays insisted that sexual orientation laws on hate crimes and discrimination do not apply to ex-gays – only gays – and no tolerance should be extended to former homosexuals," she continued.
"Although the gays have their own exhibit booth, they steadfastly refuse to accept the presence of an ex-gay booth or support equal access," she said. "Also disturbing is that several of the gays identified themselves as educators who would ensure that our teen materials do not reach schoolchildren as gay materials do."
"Leaving homosexuality is like leaving a cult – many gay activists feel betrayed by ex-gays and hate anyone who supports self-determination when it comes to the ex-gay community," she continued. "Although God gave us free will to choose our own lives, whether good or bad choices, gay activists would take free will away from us and force ex-gays back into the closet."