It takes the form of the so-called "Human Rights Commission" in Canada.
They actually have nothing to do with "human rights". It's about censoring free speech to specifically identify, with extreme, exclusive favoritism, and protect, special groups from the truth.
They're actually about denying the human rights of some so that certain groups never need worry about the truth about them and anything harmful they do ever being exposed to the light of day.
They don't follow the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They don't follow the law, nor any rules of evidence. The defendants never have a chance to defend themselves and are always found guilty of something deemed as "hatred" and forced to surrender thousands of dollars merely on the basis of someone having "complained" that they don't like something the defendant may have said.
The "Human Rights Commission" is a fascist organization which selectively denies Canadians' Charter-guaranteed right to freedom of expression merely by accusing and finding people guilty who violate unwritten rules against criticizing specific groups, no matter how truthful and provable the criticism is.
The exclusively "protected groups'" members themselves can defame and express hatred towards other groups and never, never get hauled before the "HRC". But should anyone criticize these "protected groups", even on the basis of fact, then they run the risk of being censored and separated from thousands of dollars... with no opportunity to have a fair trial!
That's right: When the CHRC goes after folks, there's no fair trial. They're simply, summarily convicted simply because they were accused.
Just like the mock "trials" in Communist China...
Right here in Canada.
This kangaroo court is protected from challenge with the thick armor of intimidating words such as "human rights" and "hate speech".
This fascist organization and other similar oppressive state apparatus nodes deserve further investigation and exposure.
The left's reaction to this post is predictable. They will express shock and horror and revulsion that anyone would dare question and criticize their sacred, fascist cow. It's like drawing a picture of some guy named "Mohammed"...
State apparatus nodes which take away peoples' rights must be abolished.
It is wrong, wrong, wrong... to favor some groups and censor and intimidate others. The Charter says so!
The CHRC is unconstitutional.
And, by the way, to head off leftist criticism of this post: The left and leftists are hateful themselves. So to call anyone hateful for daring to criticize their sacred fascist cow will just prove that they're hateful. But we already know that they're hateful. They're hateful, they discriminate, etc, etc... and they'll point fingers and call their critics the very stuff that they themselves are... it's called "projection"; it's the pot calling the kettle black and all that...