"Guess we'll have to steal the table, then... 't'ain't as if we can do another ADSCAM..."
Some evidence to illustrate exactly how dreary the picture is for the hard-left "Liberal" Party of Canada:
The first event in Halifax two weeks ago -- a cocktail reception featuring Leader Stephane Dion and six of his erstwhile rivals -- attracted about 60 people who paid $250 each. After expenses, however, party insiders say the event netted only about $5,400.The spoils were divvied up equally among the seven former leadership contenders who participated, leaving each with about $750. Insiders with several camps complain that the event didn't make enough to cover even air fare to Halifax for some candidates, much less help retire their combined debt of $3.6 million.
Ooooh... just 750 bucks apiece. Poor, poor, pitiful Librano$$$. Wonder how on earth this could ever have happened to that once-seemingly-unstoppable monster?
The Liberal party, historically the most reliant on corporate largesse, has been struggling to raise money since political financing reforms in 2004 banned corporate donations and severely limited individual donations. Stephen Harper's Conservatives, who've been pulling in 10 times more money than the Grits, tightened the restrictions even further this year.
Of course, one would have to have a mental disorder to give a cent to the Liberals!