Friday, July 06, 2007

Robert Spencer Responds to Censors

Here. Read it all. Excerpt provided below:

Jihad Watch is dedicated to the defense of human rights for all people against those who would impose Islamic law, with its institutionalized discrimination against women and religious minorities, over both Muslim and non-Muslim societies. There is no “hatred” in this, except when we report the words of hatred and supremacism of the Islamic jihadists. We are trying to raise awareness of the nature, extent, and goals of the global jihad, which threatens everyone who loves and cherishes freedom and the equality of rights of all people before the law.

However, to tar all such initiatives as “hatred” is a tried and true tactic of the Left. Intellectually bankrupt as it is, it silences its critics rather than dealing with them on the level of ideas. They can’t answer us, so they try to shut us up and discredit us. Leftists, as well as apologists for Islamic jihad terrorism, label their opponents “hatemongers” and “bigots,” hoping thereby to make people of good will turn away from their message. And the politicized nature of this Internet censorship will come as a surprise to no one.

-Excerpt from Robert Spencer's article. My opinion below:

How would the left like it if we were to censor their messages, websites, etc. and deem them "hate speech"? For example, why not censor any "gay"-and-Muslim-positive and anti-Christian/anti-Semite/anti-American/anti-Israel messages and websites, plus anyone uttering such messages anywhere they're found?

Maybe we ought to start doing exactly that. Not because it's right, but because it may be the only way to make them realize the wrongness and unconstitutionality of what they're doing... as well as the grave danger.

The left must be taught a lesson it cannot ignore! Too bad I don't possess the awesome fascistic power to control these things, as, apparently, the propaganda/intimidation agents of Islamic Fascism, Inc. clearly do!

It's time to deem the left "hateful" and force them to prove that they aren't.

They need this lesson.

Fair is fair!

Of course, leftists reading this post and my opinion will not get the point. Their shared mental disorder prevents them from understanding. No wonder they think that to stand up for the rights of the innocent against the evil fascists of the world, as is done on Jihad Watch, is somehow "hateful".