Thursday, July 05, 2007

Liberals and Afghanistan: Vote Here To Opine

Recalling the post just below this one, here's some statements for you to consider and vote on:

A: The Liberals and New Democrats want to pull out of Afghanistan because they contend that we have no business being there, no matter how much we're desperately needed by Afghans and no matter the consequences, mainly a deepening (non-fundamentalist/non-enemy) Islamic World distrust of the Free World for abandoning Afghanistan yet again to the bloodthirsty barbarians, the Islamically pure Taliban. They don't care that Osama bin Laden will automatically use the abandonment as an excuse to recruit more disillusioned, betrayed Muslims and continue the imperialism of Islam via murdering innocents worldwide, continuing to falsely blame the Free World (including, especially, Israel) for all the problems of the Islamic World... for which he personally is actually one of the main blameworthies.

B: The Liberals and New Democrats want to pull out of Afghanistan because they've seen concrete, indubitable proof that the Afghan government is now able, without any NATO help at all, to keep the Taliban crushed and prevent them from retaking the country, banning things like education, women's rights, human rights, restoring summary soccer-field executions, blowing up other religions' symbols, harboring Al Qaeda leaders and providing for training for Islamic jihadists to prepare to kill innocent people worldwide, like they did in America on 9/11.

C: The Liberals and New Democrats want to pull out of Afghanistan because they don't want Canada's soldiers to have the right to choose whether to altruistically sacrifice their own safety and lives so that the innocent Afghan people can live and enjoy human rights and have a much better standard of living than they had prior to their liberation by Canadian Forces from the tyranny and oppression of the Islamotheololgically pure Taliban

D: Um, sorry- I don't understand. I'm a liberal leftist and, with my severe attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and my overall inability (due to stubborn refusal to learn to actually use my brain) to understand the reality of the world, and with my tendency to believe whatever my leftwing leaders tell me, I'm afraid I'll have to refer you to M. Dion and Mr. Layton, who, simply because they're big-ass public figures who are politically correct, they, of course, necessarily know more about this and all other issues than you do, Sentinel.

Which of the above do you agree with?





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