Story here.
Big surprise. This comes from the first Muslim US Congressman, one very reasonably seen as being closely tied to fundamentalist, extremist, imperialist Islamic elements.
Of course, non-Muslim moonbats have been marching in the streets saying these things, insanely comparing the President to Hitler.
Now a Congressman, and a Muslim one at that (this will certainly help Muslims sell Islam to non-Muslims, won't it, having their Man in Washington denounce the Leader of the Free World as a Hitler-type) is doing the same... in the House belonging to Americans. While claiming to serve America and Americans.
Not only that, Ellison also implied that the President had 9/11 staged, comparing this terrible incident to the Reichstag fire, which the Nazis were suspected of having themselves started in an attempt to make Communists look bad. Whatever, but this comparison is unacceptable. Ellison has effectively accused the President of murdering thousands of Americans and other nationals. Just like ordinary moonbat liberals.
But Ellison isn't an "ordinary moonbat liberal". He is in Congress. And the fact that he's a Muslim with close ties to extremist Islamic elements makes it worse than just any Congressional Rep saying the same stuff.
He's making himself into The Enemy Within.
It's only fair to opine about him as I do in this post. After all, he falsely accused the President of staging the worst terror attack in American history! The son of a pig and a dog can't complain that he gets some of what he dares give!
It's about karma. What goes around, comes around. He himself initially threw the boomerang and it came back and bonked him upside his big, empty noggin!
Wonder how he'd like it if he himself was accused of having a role to play in 9/11? Without evidence? Again, he can't complain- he does it to the President!
Ironic, too, as the Islamic World largely denied that Osama bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11... yet here's their Man in Washington blaming the President of the U.S., without a speck of evidence, without a flea's fart worth of logic or sanity!
Nice going, Dhimmocratic voters of Minnesota!
Congratulations, Islam! Your first Man in Washington has slandered the President of the United States of America! You'd better denounce him (Ellison) for his vile slurs, if you're "good Muslims", or else non-Muslims will have yet another reason to wonder, "Where, oh, where are all these famous-but-rarely-spotted "good", "moderate" Muslims?"
Oh, and he also claims that Muslims will fight for atheists' right to be atheists. This is another of Keith's Big Lies (oh, and, by the way, Keith himself is like Josef Goebbels, the Nazi propagandist, for acting exactly like that vile monster, whose regime, by the way, had many Muslim-Nazi soldiers fighting alonside the German Nazis in WWII).
In Islam, atheists are as good as dead, non-existent. Muslims are told by the Koran to hate them, try to convert them, to kill them. Sorry, liberals, but this is the truth.
Plus Islam also recommends that Muslims lie in the interests of Islam. And this is what Keith Hakim Mohammed Ellison is doing.
Proof? Enlighten yourself, if you haven't already, as to the facts. I've already blogged on these things herein. My archives and the entire internet are searchable, so use your brain (if you know how!) do your homework before leaving hateful comments, like a recent visitor from Iran who called me a "fukin bich" for simply posting about what Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad himself said and opining thereon. The pleasant commentor also said "dont cuse my country". Wonder what "cuse" means? Ah, hell, maybe that was Dinny himself, retaliating for some nasty comments I left on his blog awhile back in which I mentioned him, my shoes, pigs, dogs and so on... Oh, and, no, I didn't post the comment. But then again, Madmud didn't post mine, either!
The sheer chutzpah! The nerve! What Keith Ellison said! What a piece of pig poop on the bottom of my shoe!
Just for that, I'll release another Mohammed cartoon! Take that!