Sunday, July 01, 2007

She Chose Lesbianism, Encouraged By Feminists

That's right. She says she never had any doubt that she was straight. She says she simply decided to be different, out of choice and free will.

She says that the feminist movement manipulated her into turning homosexual for a lifestyle.

She openly admits that it is her choice.

Interesting, isn't it? We're always told that one "does not choose", but now one needs to take the "genetic predetermination" myth with the whole shaker of salt.

Kudos to Sue Wilkinson for having to courage to admit that it IS a matter of choice.

She chose to be a lesbian. She isn't delusional about why she is.

It IS a matter of choice. Let the GLBTs prove otherwise. They have NOT, regardless of the claims of "proof" of which we're told by them and their submissive groupies. It's all politics. And we're not permitted to deny the imperialistic, dogmatic ideology they impose on society via the state apparatus.

It's about time one of these folks openly admits that it's a matter of choice. That one can choose what one will be. The Big Lie has been shattered for once and for all!

Me? Straight as the razor's edge, not that I ever worried that y'all wondered. And, girls, I'm single...