Story here.
The latest version of the Kilgour-Matas report on organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China , Bloody Harvest, will be published in book form later this year.
Canadian former Secretary of State, David Kilgour, one of the key investigators into these gross human rights violations, said Bloody Harvest would focus on the "terrible practice" of involuntary removal of organs from prisoners of conscience in China.
Speaking to the press while in Vienna, Kilgour said that the best time for release would be just before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. He expects to finish the text by the end of next month, after which the book will go through editing and revision before publishing date. Kilgour expects the book to be available before Christmas.
Kilgour felt that after doing so much research and conducting so many interviews with people involved in every aspect of the illegal organ trade, publishing his compiled results as a book seemed like a logical consequence. He did not elaborate on what new evidence of organ harvesting might be included in the new publication.
Sounds as if there may be new evidence. This is a good development: Publishing a book. I hope it becomes a bestseller and is discussed on the talk shows everywhere. I hope it helps lead to a condemnation of the Communist regime of China and to a boycott of the 2008 Olympics.
Related: Alternative Torch Relay Exposes 'Bloody Olympics'
An alternative Olympic torch is to make its way around the world to expose human rights abuses in China in the run-up to the Olympic Games in Beijing next year.
The Global Human Rights Torch Relay to Expose the 2008 "Bloody Olympics"
will start on August 9th in Athens and take in more than 10 countries in Europe,
before finishing in Asia.
Mr John Dee, one of the organisers of the Relay, said: "If China is allowed to host the
next Olympics without first ending its morally corrupt human rights abuses, especially the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, it will be a sad indictment on the moral standards of the world as a whole."
The Relay, which is supported by a number of past Olympic winners, aims to force the International Olympic Committee to take a serious look at its own charter, and to cancel the Games under the present circumstances.
If the International Olympic Committee goes ahead anyway with the Beijing Olympics, then they'll end up proving themselves as being just as evil as the United Nations. It's their choice.
Don't expect the left to get excited about any of this, however. The clearly have more important stuff on their minds, such as (false) "pride" parades, promoting abortion and believing, without question, whatever Islamic imperialists tell them. They can't be bothered to care that Communists are torturing, killing, harvesting the organs of, and otherwise violating the human rights of innocent people. After all, leftists do tend to excuse/explain away atrocities if it's in the name of socialism or communism, as we know from their worshipping of the butcherous "Che Guevara", etc...
Mark my words... the left... and the MSM... will not care. Just watch them play "Three Monkeys".