...and it's about time!
The rest will eventually be armed as well. With 9-mm Berettas, rather like 007 has. ("Nice and light in a lady's handbag; no stopping power"... "That damn Beretta!")
I think a .45-caliber pistol would be more fearsome and effective against the likes we're liable to face in the future... Canada needs to intimidate the baddies, too!
Now those who are armed won't have to run away like squirrels when they hear that bad guys are a-comin'. No longer will Canada risk being the laughingstock of the world for such a sorry spectacle, as was preferred by the cheap old Liberal regime, who would rather use tax dollars for the purpose of staying in power and enriching themselves than bother to earmark a little money so that our border guards can defend themselves and keep armed baddies out of our country!
The Liberal era of unarmed people "standing on guard" is coming to an end.
Should any baddies try to get past 'em, they're now ready to kick ass. Sure, we're nice folks, but don't screw with us, comprende?