The ACLU is infamous for silencing and censoring Christians and getting Christian religious symbols banned from public evidence.
But they'll come to the aid of a bigot like Ward Churchill, who everyone knows is infamous for the spewing of hatred.
The reasonable person, after witnessing all the hypocrisy and double standard-practicing of the ACLU, now has no illusions as to whether the ACLU believes that all Americans have equal "civil rights".
Clearly, the ACLU only considers leftwing extremists, atheists, Muslim extremists, radical, militant sexual extremists and various other anti-American moonbats as deserving any "civil rights". Anyone not popular with that ultra-hard left extremist group is a legitimate target of the ACLU's non-violent, go-to-court-to-get-'em de-facto terrorist attacks.
Clearly, the ACLU is a discriminatory hate group. Why else are they going to the aid of a hater like Ward Churchill?
After all, when's the last time they went to the aid of someone who got fired for telling the truth about Islam or for expressing his religious beliefs about the practice of certain forms of sexual deviance? Anyone ever hear of the ACLU helping such folks with their civil rights? No? Ok- case made!