Sunday, July 01, 2007

How the SinoCommies Took Over University of Minnesota

Story here. Emphais mine. My interjections in italics.

Arrangements made for a Chinese New Year's celebration in 2004 by a former president of the University of Minnesota Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) set in motion a series of events that illustrate how Chinese consular officials control and manipulate Chinese students in the United States.

What this means is I'm continuing on an ongoing basis to provide evidence of Communist infiltration and interference in the Free World, which for decades, has been going on right under our noses, including our security intelligence services' noses. This is merely the Chinese Communist example. Russian Communist infiltration and interference is another which needs also to be exposed. There are others. I hope I'm joined in watching out for this sort of thing by others who will help to expose it all.

That control includes using Chinese students to fight here in the United States those the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) considers its enemies and acting as spies for the CCP. It involves both open and subtle intimidation, and the payment of bribes.

Now, here's where the CCP's agenda becomes exposed, via the stupidity of its own agents:

On the night of Jan. 26, 2004 two members of the education department of the Chicago Consulate named Mr. Cheng Jiacai and Mr. Jiang Bo hosted a dinner for dozens of members of the UM association.

After that dinner, Cheng and Jiang complained to You, "Our consulate is very busy. We are currently managing over sixty student associations in the United States. If every association behaved like yours, how would we be able to handle them all?

"The UM Students Association has always been good in following our directives. Why is there such a disruption now?"

Hmm... look at this... the SinoCommies have their agents installed in over 60 American universities.

Read on... you'll find out what the CCP agents demanded the Chinese students do with respect to discriminating against Falun Gong peoples. Imagine that... foreign agents telling people in our own nations to discriminate against identifiable groups! And bear in mind that in China, the peaceful, truthful, tolerant Falun Gong is persecuted to the death... they're arrested, imprisoned without trial, tortured... and have their bodyparts and organs harvested to satisfy commercial human-parts trading demand. All just because of their religion and because the Communists hate and fear them for no valid reason at all. Don't you agree that this horrible evil by the Communists cannot be tolerated?

Not only that, there's much more in the article. Inform and enlighten yourself. Even if you're a leftist-liberal. A little truth cannot hurt you!

Do you think it's ok for foreign powers to have any influence in the affairs of the institutions of our countries? I most certainly do NOT! After all, they don't want our governments telling their people or our people there what to do, either.

The Chinese Communist Party and its agents are NOT WELCOME. Only regular civilians, Chinese and whoever else, who aren't working on behalf of foreign entities, are welcome.

We must not tolerate foreign regime infiltration and interference.

If foreign governments want to "get involved", they must first openly, publicly ask permission of our governments and, if granted any, must follow any and all conditions and restrictions, without exception, scrupulously and never, never go any further. And they must make it clear to the universities, the students, etc., who their agents are and that they're there on behalf of their governments.

Otherwise, foreign goverenments must accept the risk that their agents may be deported... or even charged with and arrested/tried/convicted for espionage and interference in our sovereign, independent nations' educational and other institutions and affairs.

To the Communist regime of China, stay out of our business. Mind your own business. After all, you always demand that we stay out of your internal affairs and mind our own! Hypocrites!