When I was a little boy I used to watch The Nature of Things with David Suzuki on the CBC all the time. I wanted to be a scientist just like Dr. Suzuki when I grew up.
Well, that didn't happen, as fate had different plans, plus I studied business and economics instead of science . Nevertheless, today I asked myself, "What was I thinking?! This guy's a lying moonbat hypocrite!"
Dr. Suzuki said on the radio:
I’m not getting any money from my foundation. I’m getting my money, the foundation gets its money, from ordinary people. We don’t take government money, corporations have not been interested in funding us. We get it from ordinary Canadians across the country. 40,000 thousand of them and we get some foundations in both Canada and the United States. So that’s my agenda. We speak on behalf of the people that fund us.
(What an impressively articulate intellectual, eh?)
Now for the truth:
Actually, the David Suzuki Foundation’s annual report for 2005/2006 lists at least 52 corporate donors including: Bell Canada, Toyota, IBM, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Microsoft, Scotia Capital, Warner Brothers, RBC, Canon and Bank of Montreal.
It gets far, far worse... in fact, it logically turns Dr. Suzuki, according to his own logic, in which he has accused some scientists who dissented of being beholden to the oil and other greenhouse gas-emitting corporations who gave them money, into someone who himself is beholden to the very same kinds of corporations!
The David Suzuki Foundation also received donations from EnCana Corporation, a world leader in natural gas production and oil sands development, ATCO Gas, Alberta’s principle distributor of natural gas, and a number of pension funds including the OPG (Ontario Power Generation) Employees’ and Pensioners’ Charity Trust. OPG is one of the largest suppliers of electricity in the world operating 5 fossil fuel-burning generation plants and 3 nuclear plants...
...There's the sound of a major piece of the massive scam falling to the ground.
As I said a few posts back, the whole scam will fall apart at the schemes... and here we go!
Not only that...
You gotta read this, too! Much, much, much more, including a radio interview in which Dr. Suzuki demonstrated his surprising closed-mindedness as to the fact that the whole climate change alarmist thing acutally isn't "settled", nor is "the debate over".
Plus interesting climate-change-related facts, most of which are new to me, that cast further doubt as to global warming and climate change. Read it!!
Listen up: the IPCC "scientists" claim that they're "90% certain" that they're right.
Well, I'm 99.99% certain that they're all either lying or don't know jack shit about what they're talking about!
Remember these?

Well, Canadians may also remember the Liberals' alarmism during the last federal election that Prime Minister Stephen Harper was "scary" and that catastrophe would ensue if he became Prime Minister. Well, today Canadians know very well, one year later, that the Liberals were, and still are, full of shit! As they are on the climate change alarmist gobleddygook!
Heh... just relax. Things are better than the leftists want us to think.
Funny how, when the left is in power, they say everything's cool; happy days are here... but when they're not in power, they say the world's gonna end tomorrow unless we think and do as they tell us!
Heh... heh-heh-heh... bwahahahahhahah!