Political correctness in police recruiting... taken to a bizarre extreme... dumb idea. And I'm not alone in believing that direct qualification is all that one needs to become a police officer, one's private bedroom adventure preference nothwithstanding.
Toronto Police Force Staff Sgt. Don Cole says:
"Anybody is free to join," said Cole. "Why are we targeting them and begging them to join?""We should be looking for the best people, not people who fit the quotas and are substandard. I don't see where we are going with this."(...)"We're winding up with people who are unsuitable, and we have to keep kicking them out because they can't pass anything,""Let's go back to the best people get hired, and that's it."
Yeah! What's wrong with targeting the best people, not specific people the left would hope might be "not too terrible in the job"?
I fear that the "gay community" might complain that Sgt. Cole's statements are "offensive" and that the Sgt. will be fired. So much for pointing out the truth, which is that when people are hired just because of personal characteristics and such rather than on whether they're the best of the whole bunch of applicants, they end up getting kicked out anyway for unsuitability.
I think the Toronto Police are being stupid with their new mode of finding new recruits.
My advice: just judge people on whether they meet the requirements, period. Don't ask them about their private lives, specifically what they do and with whom when they get naked in their bedrooms!