I've been seeing quite a few pieces in the MSM like this one expressing concern that perhaps the new Conservative government, via committees, might somehow be steering other Conservatives towards being appointed as judges. As if seemingly patronage appointments were never made by the Liberals!
This is interesting. In all the thirteen years of Liberals under the Liberal regime appointing ultra leftwing judges to all kinds of courts, including the Supreme Court, the MSM, as far as I recall, didn't seem to care at all. I don't remember reading a peep out of them about judicial nominations/appointments by Liberal politicians, etc. If they reported on the appointments, they were neutral, full of fawning praise or just basically said so and so was appointed without expressing any concern that perhaps Liberals were nominating/appointing other Liberals and/or leftwing extremist activists to the benches of the nation's courts.
Now that we have a Conservative government who really cannot be expected to appoint any leftwing radical activists to anything, like the Liberals very obviously have, the MSM suddenly wants to warn Canadians about it, as if it's a bad thing that a non-Liberal/non-leftist extremist would be a judge. Or warn us that unqualified judges might be appointed. Well, how do we know that the Liberals appointed qualified judges or not? How do we know that they didn't just appoint loyalists or moonbat activists to the bench to impose ultra-leftwing social reengineering upon Canada that the Liberal government didn't want to do the proper way, via asking for Parliament to vote for it openly after an open debate, and then submitting to the judgement of the electorate for their unasked-for social reengineering?
Gimme a break, MSM. You're not fooling me, at least. I know you're just being antiConservative. But then again, that's a large part of the essence of the MSM.