Story here.
"There's a lot of talk about how we can't be one-dimensional."
Since Parliament resumed Jan. 29, Dion has led off question period each day hammering the government over its failure to come to grips with climate change.
One MP speculated that concerns about the focus on climate change may be driven by "jealousy" from MPs who feel they're not being given a chance to shine on other issues.
"You can't win an election just on climate change," said one. "I've seen this video before. The environment is very important until an election is called and then it drops."
Dissatisfaction in the Liebrano ranks.
Annoyance with the savant, Rainman-like Dion.
The beginning of the end of Dion's leadership? Perhaps an indication that the Liberal Party is still dying while on life support?
When will they pull the plug?