A must-read. Well-argued.
It will tend to cause the reader to have doubts as to the climate-change-is-man's-fault theory.
That's right: it's a theory, not scientific fact, as the article explains.
After all, consensus isn't scientific fact.
Excerpts (emphasis mine):
The IPCC report is based on writings of some 2,500 scientists (few of them climatologists, and many geneticists, environmentalists, etc.), and their findings are compressed into a “Summary for Policymakers” which is a political document, not a scientific one, compiled by UN spinmeisters.
Talk of “consensus” in science is nonsense. Consensus is not truth, nor proof, it is compromise. In science, everything should be tested and becomes either true or false, or undecided.
Prof. Lindzen is a genuine scientist, ever probing and questioning. He cites scientists who’ve been fired, denied post on panels, or whose research has been rejected not for merit, but because they challenge the prevailing UN view that global warming is man-induced, and not a cyclical occurrence of nature. As for Canadians (and PM Harper), the Calgary-based website friendsofscience.org is more instructive than the IPCC.
In the 1970s, global cooling was the boogie man. In the late 1960s we were warned the world’s supply of oil was running out. Also the world could no longer supply enough food for rising populations. Hysteria and nonsense.
Sure you're still without reasonable doubt? Still don't question the "consensus"? The reasonable person will.
Don't you realize that you're being duped by the United Nations, which has no credibility whatsoever? Have you forgotten that the United Nations is corrupt, criminality-infused and pathologically dishonest? Well, they're the ones who came up with the IPCC nonsense, which is obviously a scam of wealth distribution. After all, Kyoto allows "emissions credits trading". This is necessary because the scammers know full well, I'd suggest, that the only way to stick to Kyoto targets would be to devastate one's economy... or buy expensive credits from other nations... nations of lesser wealth, mind you, like Russia, for example, whose devastated economy included emissions-reductions by default, by accident... I see a windfall for Russia out of this scam... they need money to rebuild their Soviet, er, Russian military juggernaut... perhaps they want another Cold War? One might think so, considering President Putin's recent vicious, Hugo Chavezesque verbal attack on the United States.
But hold on... there's more!