We've always known that the Liberals are revolting.
Now they're revolting in every sense of the word. And this open threat of mutiny is growing by the day.
Against their leader, Stephane Dion, and official Party policy on the anti-terror laws they, as government, introduced following 9/11. The Liberals under Dion want the laws to die under their built-in sunset clause without renewal; renewal being put forth for a vote by the new Conservative government.
Dion and his yes-men and -women just don't realize that national security is a civil right, too. And one of the most important of all, for if national security isn't strongly protected at all times from all enemies, then Canada could one day fall into the hands of evildoers. Oh, yes... precisely as hyperliberal France fell into the hands of Hitler's bloodthirsty, mercilessly, cruelly evil Nazis. Who can say with certainty that, for example, never, never would the emerging military superpower of the murderously totalitarian Red Communist China and/or the supremacistic, imperialistic death cult of Islam ever attack, invade and occupy a Free World nation? Who's to say that, for sure, the rest of the Free World, this time around, would necessarily, for sure, go to war to liberate other Free World nations from the forces of evil? What if Pelosi's Democrats managed to keep America out of the affairs of the world, thus isolating the United States? What if all other leftist Free World nations stayed out of getting into a war with the Axis of Evil, thush allowing them to continue their campaign of world domination to ultimate and total victory, thanks to the Great Liberal Death Wish?
What if Dion's Liberals allowed the Axis of Evil to attack, invade, occupy and transform Canada into a holocaust slaughterland to make way for a new "master race" of Sinos or Muslims?
Is it inconceivable? Don't forget that Liberal Leader Stephane Dion is a citizen of France, the nation that submitted to Nazi rule, and which was liberated by Canada and the United States.
And M. Dion has hitherto refused to relinquish his French citizenship for Canada. He won't sacrifice it. He'd rather sacrifice Canada than France, apparently.
Curse the cheese-eating surrender monkey!
Pray for mutiny in the Liberal Party of Canada.