Monday, March 05, 2007

More Scientific Dissent on Climate Change

The IPCC research on "climate change" is a "sham": scientists

"Little scientific evidence..."

They say also that since the end of WWII, CO2 emissions skyrocketed, but global temperatures dropped! Contradictory evidence!!!

The supposedly 2,5oo IPCC scientists supposedly in "consensus" included scientists who disagreed with the IPCC findings. (Sounds like the IPCC just might be a big, fat fraud, doesn't it? Well, it's the UN, after all!)

Therefore, it is now said, that the top scientists are NOT agreed!

Well, there's a new documentary scheduled to be broadcast Thursday in Britain...

Doubt. Doubt. Doubt!!! Well... I guess pretty soon enough the left will switch to blaming Bush for catastrophic climate change... hell, as far as they're concerned, every damn bad thing is his fault, anyhow...

But wait... has another piece, which I'll post on right above this one...

You know, the rational, logical, open-eyed, open-minded person realizes that the debate is NOT over. The science is NOT sound. The reasonable person has doubt. The reasonable person will not vote for a party that might shut down the Free World to appease the hardcore, extreme left.