Members of the HMCS Librano desert...
Meanwhile, Captain Stephane "Flipper" Dion sits in his quarters and ponders why...
But of course, they hastily deny that the dozen deserters are to be followed by many more.
Heh... since when does the reasonable person believe what Liberals say, anyway?
It's natural for politicians to read the tea leaves and realize that if they go through yet another election campaign and all the headaches it involves, just over a year following the last one, they're likely to have done so for naught, as they're more likely than ever before to lose. So they'd rather retire now than make fools of themselves. At least one has to give 'em credit for seeing the real world as it is... for once, anyway.
This just in... h/t:
Captain Bligh... er, Flipper Dion, lapses into denial. Claims Liberals are ready for an election.
Sure they are! And bald, no-panties-on Britney Spears is ready to get back into the popstar biz!
The Liberals are in big, big trouble. Of course they and the MSM will deny it and put on their phony brave faces.
They'll say the most incredible, and blatantly false, things, just for optics.
Par for the course. Liberals are famous for their delusionality as well as their crookedness, corruption, ineptitude, cavalier uncaringness and all that. Besides, Canadians have learned that the party is full of bigoted extremists. Who'd want a party full of extremists to form the government?
One thing's for sure, at least: they never lack unmitigated gall, nor astonishing chutzpah!
And I see the CBC is helping the Liberal leader yet again to look good.