Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Challenging Dion's Three Themes and His "Sincerity"

What's going on with Stephane Dion? What's he hiding? What's his hidden agenda? Who's pulling his puppetstrings? And what's going on in the picture above? Does the guy behind him have two wives??!! Them crazy-ass Liberals!

Some background here.
Stephane "Flipper" Dion, the collapsing, imploding Liberal leader, is supposedly going across Canada to try to portray himself as worthy of being Prime Minister. Well, we're not actually hearing from him, are we? How many times have we seen him on TV giving a speech and answering complicated, serious, difficult questions... in English, without help from others? That's one of his biggest problems: he cannot communicate effectively in English, the majority language of Canada, certainly in English Canada. His message isn't getting out, quite simply.
I'd demand he expand upon and provide comprehensive explanations of what he means about his famous Three Themes.
Ok, here goes:
"The Environment": What is he talking about? He was Minister of the Environment in the corrupt, inept, uncaring Liberal regime. He promised to do stuff for the environment, but didn't. His government ratified the draconian Kyoto Protocol but did nothing to adhere to its requirements, despite now demanding that Canada's New Government adhere to it, something that is impossible to do without causing a depression and other serious problems. Therefore, I reject his spewing the words "the environment" as meaningless soundbytery.
"Economic Prosperity": What does that mean, in the mind of Stephane Dion? Making the books look good by slashing healthcare, education, the Canadian Forces, the RCMP, CSIS, etc., etc., maintaining some of the highest taxes in the Free World, robbing the Employment Insurance surplus and the Public Service Pension surplus? Keeping the opportunity-starved Maritimes dependent on welfare payments through Ottawa from Alberta, which Dion and his comrades, like Taliban Jack Layton, have effectively threatened to shut down economically, despite the reality that without Alberta, a Liberal-run Canada would fall into depression, deficit and despair?
"Social Justice": This is the scariest one of all. This is code for ultra-extreme leftwing social reengineering against the democratic will of the Canadian people in order to appease the Liberal Party's more extreme radical fringe-element supporters. We saw them wage a Machiavellian campaign of progressive, opposition-softening legislation and dishonest claims, leading to something they formally voted to not do: changing the definition of marriage in Canada to no longer mean "one man and one woman". Talk about opening doors one cannot shut again and about jumping onto greased slopes! It also means to not be proactive about preventing Islamic and other attacks on Canada, blindly, brainlessly submitting to the pressure of the radical extremists known to exist within the Liberal Party, though essentially denied by the Party and by the MSM.
As for his "sincerity": This is the most ludicrous thing he can claim. Why? Because, quite simply, he is a Liberal. Liberals are not known at all for being sincere. Not at all. Sincerity would destroy them, for they know that only via wilful dishonesty, cheating and Machiavellian maniupulation can they ever hope to gain and maintain power. We know this. We saw them do it for so long.
Stephane Dion is a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing... piss-poor English.