Monday, July 10, 2006

Recommended Reading: Leftists & Nazis

Here's a very thought-provoking piece I recommend everyone read, whether normal folk or leftist.

It makes the case that it is the left that is racist. Oh, yes. And some of what is in that article isn't news to me. For example, the left, like Hitler's Nazis, has always been eugeneticist. It was, in fact, recently discovered that the late Tommy Douglas, the revered Canadian leftist, was in fact a eugeneticist. Haven't you heard? If not, then here you go.

I think leftists like to accuse non-leftists of racism to try to detract from their own racial prejudices and dogmas. We've seen it a million billion trillion times: leftists accusing those with a different point of view of being "racist", in order to stifle dissent and forestall legitimate debate of leftist political policies. Well, I contend that the left is in no position to call anyone racist, except their own people.

Hopefully, many folks who are currently trapped within the terrible ideology of leftism will come to see the dark, sinister, frightening reality underlying leftism and continuing to this day.

Here's some excerpts the left doesn't want us to see:

During the 1924 Democrat Convention, the Ku Klux Klan was very much a part of the equation. The Klan was entangled with the “progressive” movement and the 1924 convention was often referred to as the “Klanbake Convention.” I might add that at no time, did the Republican Party ever endorse the KKK. Not so with the Democrats however. Only the Democrats can claim a former KKK Kleagle, that being Robert “Sheets” Byrd of West Virginia, still in the Senate today. The guy that liberals will tell you is the “conscience” of the Senate. Isn’t it interesting, that a Senator can be racist, bigoted or a philanderer and an abuser of women, maybe even a rapist, yet get a “pass” as long as he’s a “liberal” democrat?

Abortion has long been a staple of American liberalism and the “progressive” movement. Feminism, the cornerstone of the abortion debate became active in the first half of the 20th Century. Eugenics was also a part of the Feminists movement, and Margaret Sanger, an early day “feminist progressive” and mentor of the vaunted Betty Friedan, a founder of NOW, praised Hitler and his movement for his many progressive” platforms expressed in the National Socialist Movement.


At the same time, FDR was not one to disappoint racists in his day. General George S. Patton, often vilified by the left, was the first to recognize how ridiculous segregation of the armed forces was. In 1944, while driving by a replacement depot in France, Patton noticed a large number of black soldiers sitting around doing nothing. He inquired as to why. The replacement depot commander told him that although the men were trained artillery, armor and infantry soldiers, there were no black units that needed replacements at that time. Patton exploded and ordered the officer to send the men forward to replace depleted ranks in his 3rd Army divisions.

As it was unheard of to send black soldiers to a white unit, the news of Patton’s orders didn’t take long to reach Washington. President Roosevelt personally belayed the order, and no further posting of black replacements to white units occurred during World War II.

Read the whole thing, of course.

The left has a monopoly on tolerance and equality? Oh, suuuuure! Let 'em claim it all they want! But the truth will continue to come out!

Liberalism/leftism is coming under closer and closer scrutiny all the time!

Those who fell victim to the seduction of the manipulative, coercive, intimidating, evil left should now begin to demand that the ideology prove that which it claims.

If the left fails to prove that it's honest, realistic, honorable and tolerant of differences, then all good people must leave the left. For the sake of humanity.