I might as well put this post back up... seems Mr. Gibson did utter those stupid slurs after all.
...Gibson became agitated after he was stopped on Pacific Coast Highway and told he was to be detained for drunk driving Friday morning in Malibu. The actor began swearing uncontrollably. Gibson repeatedly said, "My life is f****d." Law enforcement
sources say the deputy, worried that Gibson might become violent, told the actor that he was supposed to cuff him but would not, as long as Gibson cooperated. As the two stood next to the hood of the patrol car, the deputy asked Gibson to get inside. Deputy Mee then walked over to the passenger door and opened it. The report says Gibson then said, "I'm not going to get in your car," and bolted to his car. The deputy quickly subdued Gibson, cuffed him and put him inside the patrol car.
Once inside the car, a source directly connected with the case says Gibson began banging himself against the seat. The report says Gibson told the deputy, "You mother f****r. I'm going to f*** you." The report also says "Gibson almost continually [sic] threatened me saying he 'owns Malibu' and will spend all of his money to 'get even' with me."
The report says Gibson then launched into a barrage of anti-Semitic statements: "F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"
The deputy became alarmed as Gibson's tirade escalated, and called ahead for a sergeant to meet them when they arrived at the station. When they arrived, a sergeant began videotaping Gibson, who noticed the camera and then said, "What the f*** do you think you're doing?"
Definitely read the whole thing... there's more...
Oh, crap... Mel Gibson is a drunk-driving, anti-Semitic, unhinged moonbat celebrity from Hollyweird?
Say it ain't so, Mel!
But if leftists want to rip into Mel, then they'll have to rip into other leftists, perhaps themselves, who've said anti-Semitic things. Fair's fair... say the stupid, vile words, get ripped a new one and get branded for life.
Note also that I count anti-Israel slurs as anti-Semitism... to me, there's no separating the two... and even Jews who are anti-Israel aren't going to get away with it either... as Israel represents that which is good about humanity, and they're under threat of annihilation from those who represent the worst of humanity, if you can call jihadists, like Iran's Ahmadinejad, "human"....
I don't know if this means Mel's definitely an antiSemite or not, but there's no condoning such utterances... from anyone... anyone at all.
Updates and stuff are all over the place.
Looks like Mel will have to go out of his way now to demonstrate if he's not an antiSemite. Good luck, Mel, for that's not gonna be easy, particularly since the left is going to be all too happy to destroy you now, being a non-leftist and therefore subject to their bombardment for any little slip of the tongue... and that wasn't a little slip...
I must also denounce the vile utterances made under the influence.
Now, also, I'm going to watch all leftists like a hawk and expose them for any slip of the tongue as well... but I suspect their utterances will be covered-up as well by the MSM...
Anybody got anything on, say, John Kerry or Howard Dean? Anything on Michael Moore? Bring it on!
I did it for Mel, therefore I can now do it for anyone...

Breaking: Saddam and Osama are gay together...
Still don't believe it? Look:
I guess they really changed Saddam...