Sunday, July 16, 2006


Is it World War Three, as Newt Gingrich contends?


Is it actually World War Four, according to the Northeast Intelligence Network?

Do realize that there are those who have already decided that WWIII began on September 11th, 2001. And they may well be right. After all, who decides what is a world war? The MSM? Some president?

So which is it? Three or Four? Will they merge into one, or will one simply be renamed with this new development?

Whichever, it is indeed an international war we're seeing, which began perhaps with the kidnapping of IDF soldiers by the Islamists.

And other nations may very well be itching to get involved... outside of the Middle East. One to watch particularly closely is North Korea, obviously.

This time it looks different to me, folks. I foresee no phony ceasefires whose only purpose is to postpone the inevitable.... and the inevitable has already happened.

Most incipiently, I would keep the closest eye on Iran and Syria. Their fingerprints are clearly all over the conflict. No way can they claim innocence.