Saturday, July 22, 2006

More Violations of Christians' Civil Rights

On the heels of this post highlighting the differences in the manner in which American authorities treated Christians relative to left-wing extremists, I bring you this recent example.

Once again we see police harrassment of Christians, arresting them for simply discussing their religion peacefully, even after following police instructions and heeding their warnings.

I think political correctness has gone way too far now, reaching a dangerous level. It appears that the state will actually ignore the civil rights of one or more group of folks while granting incredible favoritism to other groups of folks. Oh, yes... my contention is that today, in America as well as Canada, the state is bending over backwards to elevate and canonize some folks' preferences and trample on those of others, along with their fundamental rights, namely those of free speech, freedom of assembly and religion.

The left is constantly seen being permitted to do all kinds of radically extreme things, including slandering the President, denouncing America, using profanity, being naked in public... and getting away with it all the time... yet we have Christians getting arrested for exercising their civil rights?!

This is how I feel about that:

So, tell me: is it acceptable to discriminate against Christians? Is the leftist state apparatus, put in place by leftist administrations in the past, hellbent on some kind of non-genocidal "final solution", in which they hope to discourage Christianity, intimidate folks into abandoning their religion and prevent folks from becoming Christians?
After all, the leftist state apparatus has seen to it that the psychiatric profession is forbidden to help homosexuals who want to be straight to become straight, thus violating such individuals' right to equality... and to be able to access therapy as they so desire, without discrimination. Seems the state is also seeking to silence Christians who are willing to dialogue with homosexuals who want to discuss whatever, be it religion or even the whole "orientation" thing. After all, this is the Free World, right? We allow and some even encourage straights to go gay. So why not allow them and help them to go straight, if that's what they want and choose? What's with that politically-correct, unproven belief that "orientation" is genetically programmed? I've seen nothing but vague, apparently biased claims by fly-by-night "scientists" of having done experiments or whatever that they arrogantly declared as "proof" that sexual "orientation" is genetically programmed and therefore "cannot be changed". And, of course, the MSM goes moonbatshit and proceeds to headline the whole thing with words like "Proven: Gays Born That Way", as if it was actually proven. But I'm sorry, but I see no reason to believe that any of the claims are necessarily anything more than hoaxes perpetuated by those with a certain social reengineering agenda.
Tell me: if it's ok for straight people to decide they want to be gay, then why is it considered by some such a no-no for gay people to go straight? I mean, what's so frightening and monstrous about asking whether we're really born either way or not? Of course doubt is healthy. Doubt is inevitable for all except stoically dogmatic ideologues. What's so inhuman about allowing information to get out that there are many folks who actually go from gay to straight? Oh, yes... there definitely are, but it's politically incorrect, apparently, to mention it. Funny, that... ex-gays are required by the state apparatus to keep their true status "in the closet". All because we're not supposed to take the tiniest risk of making just one hypersensitive, fragile-self-esteem person feel bad? Well, the state has no reservations about making Christians, Jews, Conservatives, etc. feel bad, after all, so why are some folks deemed to be more special, more entitled, more deserving, than others? What's so bloody special about the way people like to "fool around" or with whom? Does that really determine whether we're special or not? If it does, then as a straight man I feel bad... I'm hurt by the state for its deeming me "unspecial", therefore undeserving of equality and freedom from discrimination.
I believe that there is indeed discrimination in the Free World, but it gets a free pass as the left gets to decide who gets favored and who gets abused. And, as we know, the left is the only group that matters. The rest of us who want to live our lives our way and think and believe for ourselves and exercise our free speech and other rights can fugeddaboutit, apparently!
Oh, and I'd remind anyone, left, right, center, straight, gay or whatever you think you are to remember that Islam requires that gays be killed unless they repent and never go back to that. I don't agree with that dogma of Islam and don't want Islamofascists to be able to take over the world and go around killing everyone they believe to have done the "abominable"... as they do already in the Islamic World, not to mention what they do to women and Jews and Christians and atheists and anyone Allah deems unworthy or whatever... now, with that in mind, it would be stupid to attack one who merely asks honest, rational, logical, respectful, non-antagonistic questions about controversial social matters while giving Islam a free pass for not even bothering with questions and just going ahead and using the sword or rocks or bullets or whatever the local mullah deems.
So don't bother calling me a monster or an extremist or a bigot or anything you ought reasonably see that I clearly am not.
I'm merely exercising in a civil, polite manner, my Charter-guaranteed freedom of expression.