That's a serious provocation.
Not since the Cuban Missile Crisis has there been such provocation to the United States and the Free World.
Three missiles were fired. The first is suspected to be a long-range ICBM, a Taepodong-2, while the others are apparently scud-type missiles.
The first missile turned out to be a dud, apparently, and the other two splashed into the sea.
Rather makes Kim Jung Il look like quite the pussy, doesn't it? Big, scary missiles... but he can't get them up! Perhaps he could use some Levitra?
Although this is indeed a serious matter, it can't hurt to heap ridicule upon that frizzy-headed little turd of a man, so everyone... let's clap in applause for his impressive showing today.
Feckin' A, Kimmy! Jolly good show, you little four-eyed frizzhead! We're soooo a-shakin' in awe at your sheer superiority on the world stage!
Meanwhile... America gets it up on Independence Day! Yeah! See, old Kimmy, America's better than you! Nyah, nyah, nyah! They can get it up; you can't!