Story here. h/t: Bourque promised and elected to do so.
And the Premier of Nunavut supports the initiative. Not only is it essential to Canada's sovereignty, it's also logistically necessary and will be economically beneficial to the North.
Why didn't the Liberals ever consider such a great idea? Too busy squirreling our money away in mysterious foundations, running boondoggles, adscamming, etc., etc...
See, day after day, we have examples of the benefits of a Conservative administration in Canada. As I said on January 24th, 2006, "It's morning in Canada!".
Let the Liebrano$$$ and leftists be the doubting Thomases they wanna. Let them scream and cry and slander. Canadians can see for themselves what's what and don't need those reds and pinks telling them what to believe.
Canada: the world's next superpower!