Sunday, July 30, 2006

Anti-Israel/Anti-Semitic Bigots In Pictures. Where Is This?

Look at the following pictures of brainless, intolerant moonbats saying vile things while walking down some street. (h/t: an email)

A woman walking around draped in the Hezbollah flag. Where is this?

Here's what the moonbat herself actually looks like. Remember that face. Where is this?

Where is this?

Where is this?

Look at the sign on the right. Some graphic images. And look at what some brainless moonbat has accused "Harper et ses amis" of being.

Note the slack-jawed moonbat freak with the unibrow and the skull and crossbones t-shirt at right. Looks like a typical North American moonbat, doesn't he? Look at the background. Does it look familiar? Any idea where this is?

Give up? To find out where this is, click here.


I did not make this up.






Stop anti-Semitism. Stop anti-Israel bigotry.

Crush Islamic fundamentalism and jihad.