Read about it here. h/t: FreeRepublic
You know... I'm beginning to think that perhaps Kim Jung Il is actually a complete whackjob of a totally-gone nutcase.

What was he thinking, stealing China's trains?
Oh, dear... I certainly hope he's so messed mentally that he gave orders to his scientists to develop NK's WMD technologies in a manner which would render them virtually worthless (this week's failed missile launches point to this very well). Perhaps the nuclear warhead technology is similarly duddy. Perhaps the NKers will blow themselves up by accident, thanks to that foolish-jumpsuit-clad, incessantly clapping, frizzy-headed, four-eyed, pathetic little egotistical monster of a man and his insane way of running things.
Perhaps little fat Kimmy will make a big fat whoopsie? And if he survives, will he just shrug, say, "Sorry. I goofed." and return to his stupid clapping?
Below: Newman, Jerry Seinfeld's arch nemesis. The Kimmy lookalike may have seemed evil, but he, like Kimmy above, was merely an incompetent fool who was always jealous of the smarter, more successful Seinfeld. His harebrained schemes to "get" Jerry invariably ended in hilarious, pathetic failure. Like, for example, Kimmy's failed launch of the missiles earlier this week. Kim Jung Il is to George W. Bush as Newman was to Jerry.