And now read this: "Terror Expert: ‘We Need to Choose War!' " -NewsMax
Get to know Walid Shoebat. Former jihadist turned enemy of jihadists. He knows all about jihad, having been a jihadist himself and knows how to really defeat jihad and pulls no punches; minces no words; opposes political correctness.

Above: Walid Shoebat.
Read Walid's story.
Exerpt from the NewsMax article:
"We have to treat the problem by going to the source of the problem, and that is what we are not doing," Shoebat said. "We are trying to destroy terrorist infrastructure - after it has been established. We have to look at the root causes of terrorism and the root causes spring from the mosque clergy." Shoebat explained that in his opinion there are thousands of hate-dispensing Islamic clergy, including hundreds in the United States:
"We can't touch it because we don't want to invade another religion," he lamented. "We have to treat this dogma - not as a religion - but as a political dogma."
All over the world, Shoebat wants laws enacted that just say - no more hate-mongering from so-called religious leaders: "Once a religion goes beyond its borders, it has to be treated differently. It has to be shut down. You have to arrest these clergy. You've got to throw them in jail."
"Throw them in jail". Listen to him. He's not saying to let 'em walk freely among us, like the Khadrs.
I believe we throw all kinds of folks into jail for hate crimes already. (Hell, since the Liebrano$$$ in Canada brought in Bill C-250 (2005), one can literally go to jail for saying something bad about homosexuality.) Why not throw folks in jail for hate speech which includes incitement to murder, incitement to jihad, etc.? That'll take the cause of jihad out of commission. Just make sure they can't prosetylize about hatred and jihad from prison either.
If we can use laws against hate speech to put an end to jihad, then I'm all for it! We could therefore throw the likes of Sheikh Mubarik Gilani (Bin Laden loyalist and Jamaat ul Fuqra terror training camps founder) in the hole! Leftists can't have it both ways... they can't throw folks in jail for merely, peacefully, respectfully, criticizing a sexual preference or ultra-radical sexual political movement while looking the other way on actually hateful, evil folks who tell others to hate those who are different and actually kill as many as possible. So, leftists, if you want to defame me for being logical here, go ahead, make my day... I'm ready to tear your ideology to shreds for being hypocritical and brainlessly inconsistent. And I have the power to delete and ban anything and anyone that crosses the line. Just as does the Liberal-created-and-still-in-place, fascist, leftist state apparatus, which you leftists support virtually without resistance.
We already persecute Christians for talking about their religion. Leftists get the courts to remove Nativity Scenes, images of Jesus, the Cross, the Ten Commandments. We arrest Christians for simply exercising their constitutionally guaranteed civil rights, etc... so what'd be wrong with treating radical, jihadist-fundamentalist Muslim clerics the same way? Too politically incorrect? Oh, I see... only Christians are seen as bad people who must be crushed and Christianity some horrible ideology which must be censored and driven to extinction, while Islam, the must-draw-first-blood ideology of intolerance, supremacy and war, must be encouraged, using the power of the state to raise them above all else... at least in the eyes of the Dhimmi left...
He derided the European Union's notion that if you can't beat them, then include them, and maybe they will learn from us - from our way of life - to change their ways.
"This is a stupid thing," he unabashedly concluded.